The project is a simple implementation of the Financial Information Exchange (FIX) protocol and contains the following utilities.
fix_model_core - contains utilities such as Ascii, &asc, aschar types which can be used in place of
types. -
fix_model_generator - contains rust code generator that auto-creates
with serde that can be serialized intoFIX
standard formats. Generator is using QuickFix specification files as a input format. -
fix_model_v42 & fix_model_v44 - module contains the boiler plate structs created by above generator.
fix_serde - contains
serialization & deserialization implementation forFIX
- reffer to fix_model_v44/examples for advanced usage and
FIX message
use fix_model_core::prelude::*;
use fix_serde::prelude::*;
use fix_model_v44::*;
pub fn from_fix<'de, T: serde::Deserialize<'de>>(slice: &'de [u8]) -> fix_serde::prelude::Result<T> {
fix_serde::prelude::from_slice_with_schema::<_, Fix44Schema>(slice)
pub fn to_fix<T: serde::Serialize>(value: &T, capacity: Option<usize>) -> fix_serde::prelude::Result<Serializer<BytesWrite, Fix44Schema>> {
fix_serde::prelude::to_bytes_with_schema::<_, Fix44Schema>(value, capacity)
fn main() {
// allocated Ascii & Data
let msg_inp = NewOrderSingle::<Ascii, aschar, Data> {
cl_ord_id: "cl_ord_id".to_owned().try_into().unwrap(),
side: Side::Buy,
order_qty: Some(100_f64.into()),
price: Some(99.99.into()),
let fix = to_fix(&msg_inp, 1024.into()).unwrap();
println!("fix: {}", fix);
// borrowed Ascii & Data
let msg_out: NewOrderSingle<&asc, aschar, &dat> = from_fix(&fix).unwrap();
let msg_out = msg_out.to_owned_inner_if_ref();
assert_eq!(msg_inp, msg_out);
let json = serde_json::to_string(&msg_inp).unwrap();
println!("json: {}", json);
fix: len: 68, capacity: 1024, bytes: "11=cl_ord_id🔸54=1🔸60=TransactTime:60@Default🔸38=100.0🔸40=1🔸44=99.99🔸"
json: {"ClOrdID":"cl_ord_id","Side":"1","TransactTime":"TransactTime:60@Default","OrderQty":100.0,"OrdType":"1","Price":99.99}