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#Microsoft APS

  • Microsoft Analytics Platform System appliance
  • Deployed in large industries (health, financial...)
  • Query Hadoop with existing T-SQL skills
  • Query relational system and Hadoop in parallel with a single query
  • Hybrid: host Hadoop on premises or in the cloud
  • APS whitepaper

#Back office for mobile applications (Azure mobile services)

  • The SDK is available for all mobile platforms (xamrin, iOS, windows phone, javascript...)
  • Can now host web jobs with scheduling in a Azure web site
  • Free for limited ressources - good for testing / POC purposes
  • DocumentDB and Azure Search were used during the demo (actually in preview)

#Entity Framework 7 Entity Framework 7

  • Multiple providers supported: azure document db, sqlite, sqlserver, azure table storage...
    • To use a provider: add a nugget package then override the 'OnConfiguring' method : options.useSqlServer
  • No EDMX file anymore -> only code first
  • Supported on device apps like Windows Phone and Windows store apps
  • The performance has been improved

#Power BI designer is coming

  • Power BI designer
    • Custom connectors are coming
    • OData connector will probably become one of our best friends

#NoSQL in azure There are several NoSQL products available in Microsoft Azure. Here is a non-exhaustive list and their main differences:

  • Cassandra (master-less distributed NoSQL database)
    • Key - value store
    • Can simply add / remove nodes from the cluster
    • Data are automatically replicated over all nodes
    • Geographic distribution - Linear scaling
    • Titan: graph database on top of Cassandra
  • MongoDB
    • Schema-less JSON documents (BSON)
    • Available in Azure too (operated by MongoDB)
    • Free on-premise
  • DocumentDB
    • Microsoft NoSQL solution
    • Schema-less JSON documents
    • Supports a T-SQL like queries (which MongoDB doesn't) somewhat like Salesforce SOQL



  • Sharding makes the followings impossible:
    • No JOIN possible
    • No cross-document transaction support
    • Transactions are possible inside a same document though
    • The sharding key should be chosen wisely (how the data will be partionned)
  • Hard to have SQL query support in NoSQL:
    • 1.0: needed to install additional drivers
    • 1.5: started supporting SQL native language
    • 2.0: middleware (Apache Drill - have a look at it, Presto)


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