Video processing platform built by MEVN.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- This project is video processing work.
- It figures out cutting video, inserting audio, drawing objects.
- Purpose of this project is to provide comfortable platform of processing video for clients.
- The reason I undertook this project is to get experience in video process.
- Tech 1 - Vue.js
- Tech 2 - Express
- Tech 3 - Video work
- Slice part of video
- Insert audio
- Draw object
- Insert text
You need Node.js platform.
Install Node.js, and you need to install node_modules by using npm install
This project ffmpeg program to edit videos. You have to download the program and set environment variable.
In the client directory, run npm run dev
In the root directory, run npm start
Project is: complete.
Room for improvement:
- Frontend as Vue.js
- Backend as Express
- Node.js Platform
To do:
- Flexible UI
- Smooth Control
- This project was inspired by Anadamonz.
- Many thanks to Anadamonz.
Created by Bohdan - feel free to contact me!