This project consists of multiple (micro-)services based on .NET 5. It's part of a consulting workshop and free to use.
This sample is a simplified abstraction of a machine visualization based on a sample machine implementation (simulated via a console application), an ASP.NET Core REST service backend and a HTML frontend. For demonstration purposes an additional OpenID Connect/OAuth 2 user authorization is included in the REST backend.
- User logs in into the system
- The UI is loading the available machines and displays them
- The user can select one of the available machines for further details
- Afterwards the machine visualization (in our sample SVG) and some machine specific data (settings, switches) is loaded and displayed
- The used can directly interact with settings and switches in the displayed machine visualization
The following technologies should be demonstrated:
- OAuth 2, OpenID Connect, JWT, ASP.NET JWT Middleware
- ASP.NET (Web API) and the Open API Specification (Swagger)
- .NET in Docker/K8s
- SignalR
- TypeScript
The following (sub-)projects are part of this sample:
- ASP .NET project with API controllers and REST service endpoints
- gRPC machine simulation as remote machine data service
- HTML5 web frontend as simple 2D HMI frontend
Project is built with GitHub Actions.