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Async is a composable asynchronous I/O framework for Ruby based on io-event.

"Lately I've been looking into async, as one of my projects – tus-ruby-server – would really benefit from non-blocking I/O. It's really beautifully designed." janko

Development Status


  • Scalable event-driven I/O for Ruby. Thousands of clients per process!
  • Light weight fiber-based concurrency. No need for callbacks!
  • Multi-thread/process containers for parallelism.
  • Growing eco-system of event-driven components.


Please see the project documentation for more details.

  • Getting Started - This guide shows how to add async to your project and run code asynchronously.

  • Asynchronous Tasks - This guide explains how asynchronous tasks work and how to use them.

  • Event Loop - This guide gives an overview of how the event loop is implemented.

  • Compatibility - This guide gives an overview of the compatibility of Async with Ruby and other frameworks.

  • Best Practices - This guide gives an overview of best practices for using Async.


We welcome contributions to this project.

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  5. Create new Pull Request.

Developer Certificate of Origin

This project uses the Developer Certificate of Origin. All contributors to this project must agree to this document to have their contributions accepted.

Contributor Covenant

This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant. All contributors and participants agree to abide by its terms.

See Also

  • async-http — Asynchronous HTTP client/server.
  • async-websocket — Asynchronous client and server websockets.
  • async-dns — Asynchronous DNS resolver and server.
  • falcon — A rack compatible server built on top of async-http.
  • rubydns — An easy to use Ruby DNS server.
  • slack-ruby-bot — A client for making slack bots.