A lightweight TypeScript library implementing CAIP-2 (Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposal) standards for blockchain network identification. Makes cross-chain development simpler and more reliable.
Different blockchains use different ways to identify their networks:
- Ethereum and other EVM chains use numeric chain IDs (1, 56, 137...)
- Solana uses cluster names (mainnet-beta, devnet...)
- Some chains have colliding IDs (Ethereum and Aptos both use 1 for mainnet)
This package provides a standardized way to identify any blockchain network using the CAIP-2 format: namespace:reference
npm install chain-agnostic-utils
# or
yarn add chain-agnostic-utils
import { NETWORKS, isValidCAIP2 } from 'chain-agnostic-utils';
// Get network identifiers
const ethMainnet = NETWORKS.ETHEREUM.MAINNET; // 'eip155:1'
const solMainnet = NETWORKS.SOLANA.MAINNET; // 'solana:mainnet-beta'
const movementMain = NETWORKS.MOVEMENT.MAINNET; // 'move-mvmt:126'
// Validate CAIP-2 identifiers
console.log(isValidCAIP2(ethMainnet)); // true
console.log(isValidCAIP2('invalid')); // false
import { NETWORK_METADATA, getNetworkMetadata } from 'chain-agnostic-utils';
// {
// name: 'Ethereum Mainnet',
// currency: 'ETH',
// icon: 'https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/279/small/ethereum.png',
// explorerUrl: 'https://etherscan.io'
// }
The CAIP2Manager provides a flexible way to manage network metadata, combining built-in networks with your custom ones.
import { CAIP2Manager } from 'chain-agnostic-utils';
// Get the singleton instance
const manager = CAIP2Manager.getInstance();
// Initialize with both default and custom networks
defaultNetworks: true, // include all built-in networks
networks: {
'eip155:11155111': {
name: 'Sepolia',
currency: 'ETH',
icon: 'path/to/icon',
explorerUrl: 'https://sepolia.etherscan.io',
rpcUrl: 'https://rpc.sepolia.org'
// Access network metadata
const ethData = manager.getNetwork('eip155:1');
const isSupported = manager.hasNetwork('eip155:1');
// Add new networks dynamically
manager.addNetwork('eip155:123456', {
name: 'My Custom Network',
currency: 'TOKEN',
icon: 'path/to/icon'
// Get all registered networks
const allNetworks = manager.getAllNetworks();
import { parseCAIP2 } from 'chain-agnostic-utils';
const { namespace, reference } = parseCAIP2('eip155:1');
console.log(namespace); // 'eip155'
console.log(reference); // '1'
EVM-based (eip155)
- Ethereum
- BNB Smart Chain
- Polygon
- Arbitrum
- Optimism
- Avalanche
- Base
- Linea
- and more...
- Movement
- Aptos
- Sui
Layer 1 Ecosystems
- Bitcoin (BIP-122)
- Solana
- Cardano
- Polkadot
- Cosmos
- and more...
Layer 2 Solutions
- StarkNet
- zkSync
- Linea
- and more...
Each network includes metadata with:
- Name
- Native currency
- Icon URL
- Explorer URL
- RPC URL (for applicable networks)
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to:
- Add support for new networks
- Improve documentation
- Report issues
- Submit pull requests
- Add more network metadata
- Add chain-specific validation rules
- Add support for CAIP-10 (account identifiers)
- Add support for more networks
- Add network-specific RPC methods
- Enhanced metadata management