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Master your DevOps toolchain

This repository contains the API for the SnapMaster single-page application.

SnapMaster-API utilizes the express web server, and relies on Auth0 for authentication and authorization.

It is a Google Cloud Platform app, with dependencies on Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Run, Google Cloud Pubsub, and Google Cloud Scheduler.

Available scripts

npm start (or npm run start:dev)

Runs the backend with ENV=dev, which invokes the dev environment. This will append "-dev" to the pubsub topic (invoke-load-dev), scheduler job, etc.

The pub-sub subscription will run in pull mode, and is invoked by the scheduler every hour on the hour.

The express webserver will default to listening on port 8080. Override with PORT=xxxx variable.

npm run start:prod

Runs the backend with ENV=prod, which invokes the production environment. This will append "-prod" to various resources such as the pubsub topic (invoke-load-prod), scheduler job, etc.

The pub-sub subscription will run in push mode, calling the /invoke-load API, and is invoked by the scheduler every hour on the hour.

The express webserver will default to listening on port 8080. Override with PORT=xxxx variable.

npm run start:devhosted

Runs the backend with dev account credentials but with the prod configuration, which runs a production-like hosted environment in the dev account.

npm run build-spa:dev | npm run build-spa:prod, and npm run copy

These will build the production (minified) version of the SnapMaster front-end, and copy the files into the build subdirectory. It assumes that the snapmaster project is cloned into a peer directory of the snapmaster-api project.

npm run build:dev | build:prod and npm run deploy:dev | deploy:prod

These will build the Docker container for the API (including the SPA) using Google Cloud Build, and deploy it to Google Cloud Run.

npm run push:dev | push:prod

This combines the build-spa, copy, build, and deploy operations to automate the deployment of the current source code with one command into the respective environment.

Directory structure

The app is bootstrapped out of server.js, which pulls in all other source dependencies out of the src directory.


Contains all the config for the project. These files aren't committed to source control since they contain secrets. The API expects an auth0_config_{dev|prod}.json file for application keys and secret keys for Auth0; a {google|twilio|sendgrid|etc}_config_{dev|prod}.json for client ID's and secret keys for various service providers; and a cloud_platform_config_{dev|prod}.json file for the Google Cloud Platform service account used with this application.

In particular, the cloud_platform_config_{dev|prod}.json file is required for proper bring-up of the service. It is the key file associated with a service account that has "project/owner" permissions on your GCP project.

Also, the auth0_config_{dev|prod}.json file is required for the client ID and client secret for your Auth0 tenant.

  "domain": "",
  "audience": ""


Contains scripts to build and deploy the app to GCP, as well as to set up the IAM rules for the app.


Contains the data access layer, database abstraction layer, and data pipeline.


Contains various app modules such as the environment, data pipeline, profile, connections, entities, etc.


Contains the provider implementations for the supported social media accounts. providers.js pulls these all together.


Contains wrappers around all of the services used: Auth0, GCP (pubsub, scheduler, etc), twilio, sendgrid, etc.


Contains the Snap Engine and the snap data access layer.


Contains YAML definitions for common snaps.


Contains various utilities.


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