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Web-based XMPP Realtime Chat Client

This web-based Chatsystem is using the XMPP-Protocol to communicate with a Ubuntu Server (ORACLE Virtual Box & Openfire) and allows the user to access the Chat Client on any Device Browser. Therefore the Javascript Library 'strophe.js' has been used to enable web-based Realtime-XMPP Applications.
An Image of the User Interface can be found here:
The Chat Application allows you to:

  • Send/Receive Text Messages
  • Change your current Status
  • Get the Status of other Users
  • Send Contact Requests
  • List your Contacts (Roster)
  • Enter/Exit Group Chats


Virtual Box Setup

Open Virtual Box Terminal:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install default-jre
($ cd LOCATION OF openfire_4.0.4_all.deb)
$ sudo dpkg --install openfire_4.0.4_all.deb 
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc

Open Virtual Box Webbrowser

  • Type 'localhost:9090' to access Openfire Administration
  • Create an Administrator (Email: [email protected] | Name: admin | Password: admin)
  • Login with previous created Account: Username: admin | Password: admin

Inside Openfire Administration change:

  • Server Settings -> Client Connections -> Plain Text -> STARTTLS policy: DISABLED!
  • Server Settings -> Compression Settings -> Client Compression Policy: NOT ENABLED!
  • Server Settings -> HTTP Binding -> Script Syntax: ENABLED!
  • Users/Groups -> Create New User: Create 2 new Testusers (e.g. admin2 and admin3)
  • Group Chat -> Create New Room: Room ID: defaultroom | Room Name: defaultroom | Description: Test Room

Install Openfire Websocket Plugin:

Virtual Box Terminal:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/openfire restart
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www
$ sudo chown -R [username] /var/www

Application Project Setup

  • Download 'xmpp' folder from this repository
  • Copy this folder to /var/www/html or create /var/www/html/xmpp and extract files
  • Change Virtual Box Network Mode to "Host-only Adapter":
    Open Virtual Box Manager and go to the Settings of your current virtual Machine. Then select the Network Tab and change 'NAT' to 'Host-only Adapter'. Now you can access your Openfire Server from any other device in your Network.
  • Note the IP-Adress of the Virtual Box (type 'ifconfig' inside Terminal)
  • Open the file 'script.js' inside /var/www/html/xmpp and change following lines:
// Servername (Can be found inside Openfire Administration -> Server Information -> Server Properties)
var server = 'YOUR_USERNAME-virtualbox';
// Variable containig the IP of your Virtual Box (ws stands for Websocket)
var BOSH_SERVICE = 'ws://YOUR_VIRTUALBOX_IP:7070/ws/';

For example change it to:

var server = 'test-virtualbox';
var BOSH_SERVICE = 'ws://';

You have completed the Setup!

Open up the Browser on any device and enter 'VIRTUALBOX_IP/xmpp' (e.g.

Enjoy your own web-based XMPP Realtime Chatapplication