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# journalNet
Daily journaling service
By slackjeff and his party members:
> Demogorgon - New functions with retro style.
> devnull - Code enhancements following the POSIX way.
Installation notes
- Read the README files =)
- Install xinetd. Controls the journalnet service (service xinetd start | stop).
- Execute install.sh
- Restart xinetd service.
- Default port is tcp 2826
- Create file .journal inside a user home folder or copy a template and rename it to .journal
- Read client options ./journal -h
- Test with ./journal -B [email protected] or ./journal -B [email protected]
(Remove "-B" to hide the Banner). - In the Console pipe the Journal Client through less "-r" to scroll the ".journal" and colorize the Banner:
./journal -B [email protected] | less -r or ./journal -B [email protected] | less -r
Tip: Press ":q" to exit (Or use alternatives like tmux and screen). - You can read ".journal's" with netcat (Tested with OpenBSD netcat):
echo "username" | nc -N 2826 or echo "username" | nc -N your.dynamic.dns 2826
echo "username" | nc -q 0 2826 or echo "username" | nc -q 0 your.dynamic.dns 2826
| |
| |
| |
install.sh: It's the installation script (Need chmod +x). You can delete it from the project folder after the installation.
journal: It's the client program stays at journalNet folder (Need chmod +x). Launch with ./journal -B [email protected] or ./journal -B [email protected]
journalnet: It's the server program, stays at /usr/local/sbin/ folder. You can delete it from the project folder after the installation.
xinetd: Controls the journalnet service (service xinetd start | stop).
.journal: It's your journal file, got to stay directly at the user home folder.
bookmarks.txt: It's your journal bookmarks file, just add or delete journals addresses in this file and relaunch the client with ./journal -b
Note: Remove blank spaces after the end of addresses lines in bookmarks.txt
banner folder: It's where the ".sh" ASCII files are, you could add or delete ASCII Banners, just remember to "chmod +x" to make it work.
docs folder: Info and troubleshooting.
journal_templates folder: Templates for your .journal
readme file: Basic info.
log files: There's two log files, the server and visitors counter log in /var/log/journalnet.log and the Guestbook file in /var/log/journalnet_messages.log
Made by slackjeff sorcery with Demogorgon's teeth and claws. Arisen by devnull brainstorm vortex.