Main goal of this material is to see mistake in using Themida WinLicense.
MoI.exe is just loader of moi_lib.dll which is packed by WinLicence packer.
After little time of bianry investigation its clear that it is not necessary to fully unpack the dll, the final solution is to rewrite MoI.exe and add in memory patching procedures such es:
typedef int(__stdcall* f_MoiMainWin)(HINSTANCE, LPWSTR, int);
int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
_In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine,
_In_ int nCmdShow)
DWORD oldprotect;
HINSTANCE DLLHandle = LoadLibraryW(L"moi_lib.dll");
if (DLLHandle)
f_MoiMainWin MoiMainWin = (f_MoiMainWin)GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, "MoiMainWin");
if (MoiMainWin) {
__int64 dllBase = (__int64)GetModuleHandleW(L"moi_lib.dll");
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(dllBase + 0x1000), 0x200000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect);
//mov eax, 0x02
*(__int8*)(dllBase + 0x1000 + 0x17EA56) = 0xB8
*(__int8*)(dllBase + 0x1000 + 0x17EA57) = 0x02
*(__int8*)(dllBase + 0x1000 + 0x17EA58) = 0x00
*(__int8*)(dllBase + 0x1000 + 0x17EA59) = 0x00
*(__int8*)(dllBase + 0x1000 + 0x17EA5a) = 0x00
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(dllBase + 0x1000), 0x200000, oldprotect, &oldprotect);
return MoiMainWin(hInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow);
return 0;
moi_lib.dll unpcaked
________:00007FFA4FF8FA30 48 8B C4 mov rax, rsp
________:00007FFA4FF8FA33 55 push rbp
________:00007FFA4FF8FA34 57 push rdi
________:00007FFA4FF8FA35 41 54 push r12
________:00007FFA4FF8FA37 41 56 push r14
________:00007FFA4FF8FA39 41 57 push r15
________:00007FFA4FF8FA3B 48 8B EC mov rbp, rsp
________:00007FFA4FF8FA3E 48 83 EC 70 sub rsp, 70h
________:00007FFA4FF8FA42 48 C7 45 B0 FE FF FF FF mov [rbp+var_50], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh
________:00007FFA4FF8FA4A 48 89 58 18 mov [rax+18h], rbx
________:00007FFA4FF8FA4E 48 89 70 20 mov [rax+20h], rsi
________:00007FFA4FF8FA52 B3 01 mov bl, 1
________:00007FFA4FF8FA54 33 C9 xor ecx, ecx
here is exatc patch from above c code,
instead of call i am puting mov eax, 0x02
________:00007FFA4FF8FA56 E8 62 74 46 01 call sub_7FFA513F6EBD <-- is expired
________:00007FFA4FF8FA5B 90 nop
________:00007FFA4FF8FA5C 0F B6 F3 movzx esi, bl
________:00007FFA4FF8FA5F 45 33 E4 xor r12d, r12d
________:00007FFA4FF8FA62 83 F8 01 cmp eax, 1
________:00007FFA4FF8FA65 41 0F 44 F4 cmovz esi, r12d
________:00007FFA4FF8FA69 E8 C6 97 46 01 call sub_7FFA513F9234 <-- get numers of days left
________:00007FFA4FF8FA6E 90 nop
________:00007FFA4FF8FA6F 89 05 87 F2 1C 01 mov cs:dword_7FFA5115ECFC, eax
________:00007FFA4FF8FA75 40 84 F6 test sil, sil
________:00007FFA4FF8FA78 0F 85 F4 01 00 00 jnz loc_7FFA4FF8FC72
________:00007FFA4FF8FA7E 41 8B DC mov ebx, r12d
________:00007FFA4FF8FA81 48 89 5D 38 mov [rbp+arg_8], rbx