A commandline application implemented by C++ that encodes a set of WAV files to MP3 on both Unix/Windows based platform.
application is called with pathname as argument, e.g.
~\MyWavCollection all WAV-files contained directly in that folder are to be encoded to MP3
use all available CPU cores for the encoding process in an efficient way by utilizing multi-threading
statically link to lame encoder library
application should be compilable and runnable on Windows and Linux
the resulting MP3 files are to be placed within the same directory as the source WAV files, the filename extension should be changed appropriately to .MP3
non-WAV files in the given folder shall be ignored
multithreading shall be implemented by means of using Posix Threads (there exist implementations for Windows)
the Boost library shall not be used
the LAME encoder should be used with reasonable standard settings (e.g. quality based encoding with quality level "good")
supported 8-bits, 16-bits and 24-bits pcm wave files
required a compiler with c++14 support. however, i didn't use
due to the abovementioned restrictions -
tested with Google Test, Visual Studio 2015 with WinSDK8 on Windows, GNU C 6.0 on Linux and clang-703.0.31 on Mac
added a CMakeLists.txt for all platform configurations