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Freelancer Management System

A simple web application for managing freelancers, built with Next.js, React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and PostgreSQL.


Light Theme Dark Theme
screenshot light theme screenshot dark theme


  • Add new freelancers
  • Edit existing freelancers
  • Delete freelancers
  • View list of freelancers
  • Each freelancers should have unique username, mail, and phone number
  • Light/Dark theme
  • Utilizes Vercel PostgreSQL for data storage

Technologies Used

  • Next.js
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Drizzle Kit


Database Model

The database model for the user entity is created using Drizzle ORM. It defines the structure of the data stored in the PostgreSQL database. The model includes fields such as id, name, mail, phoneNumber, skillsets, and hobby. This file will be kept under the directory of src/data/db/schemas.

import { InferType, date, object, string } from "yup";

export const UserSchema = object({
	id: string().uuid(),
	username: string().required(),
	mail: string().email().required(),
	phoneNumber: string()
		.matches(/^(60|0)(1|11)\d{8}$/g, "Please enter a valid phone number")
	skillsets: string(),
	hobbies: string(),
	createdAt: date(),
	updatedAt: date()

export type User = InferType<typeof UserSchema>;

Form Validation Model

The form validation model is created using Yup. It defines the validation schema for adding or editing a user. The model ensures that the required fields are present and that the phone number is in a valid format.

import { InferType, date, object, string } from "yup";

export const UserSchema = object({
	id: string().uuid(),
	username: string().required(),
	mail: string().email().required(),
	phoneNumber: string()
		.matches(/^(60|0)(1|11)\d{8}$/g, "Please enter a valid phone number")
	skillsets: string(),
	hobbies: string(),
	createdAt: date(),
	updatedAt: date()

export type User = InferType<typeof UserSchema>;


The application is deployed on Vercel and is publicly accessible at

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  • Node.js
  • npm


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install
  3. Copy the .env.example to .env

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Update the .env file with your PostgreSQL connection details

    Update the following values in the .env file with your PostgreSQL connection details:

  5. Start the development server

    npm run dev
  6. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000


  1. Click on the "New" button to add a new freelancer.
  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit a freelancer.
  3. Click on the trash icon to delete a freelancer.

Migrating Vercel PostgreSQL

To migrate your Vercel PostgreSQL database, follow these steps:

  1. Generate SQL Migration Files

    Run the following command to compare and generate the differences in the model schema into SQL files in the drizzle folder:

    npm run db-generate
  2. Run Migration

    Once the SQL migration files are generated, run the following command to utilize the built-in migrate function from vercel-postgres/migrator to migrate the database using the SQL files in the drizzle folder:

    npm run db-migrate
  3. Open Database Viewer

    To open the database viewer provided by Drizzle Kit, run the following command:

    npm run db-studio
  4. Verify Migration

    After the migration is complete, verify that the migration was successful by checking your database schema and ensuring that your data is intact.

Known Issue

Cold Start of Vercel PostgreSQL

When the Vercel PostgreSQL database is idle, the initial deployment may fail due to connection timeout issues. This is because the database needs to "wake up" from its idle state. Reference


To resolve this issue, you will need to ping the database before the deployment. This will "wake up" the database and ensure that the deployment succeeds.


Sky - [email protected]