- Theme Name: SKM Framework
- Theme URI: https://seanroberts.me/skm-framework
- Author: Sean Roberts
- Author URI: https://seanroberts.me
- Description: A stripped-down developer-friendly WordPress theme framework that harnesses the power of Bootstrap 3, grunt and sass
- Version: 0.5.1
- Text Domain: skmframework
- License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html
- Tags: left-sidebar, two-columns, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, full-width-template
Node.js, SASS, GRUNT (grunt-sass, grunt-contrib-watch, grunt-contrib-copy, grunt-autoprefixer, grunt-contrib-concat, grunt-contrib-uglify)
- Download & install theme
- Install Node.js, SASS, GRUNT if not already installed. For more info: https://nodejs.org/, https://gruntjs.com/installing-grunt, http://sass-lang.com/install
- Run "grunt" via command line within the theme's root directory
- If all dependencies are correctly installed you should see something like this:
Running "sass:dist" (sass) task Running "concat:core" (concat) task Running "uglify:my_target" (uglify) task >> 1 file created 771 B → 392 B Running "copy:main" (copy) task Running "watch" task Waiting...
- SKM Framework is a framework not a theme and is geared towards theme developers
- SKM Framework includes an assortment of useful classes designed to accelerate template development
- Fonts sizes - assets/scss/components/fonts/font_sizes.scss"
- Line heights - "assets/scss/components/fonts/font_line_heights.scss"
- Font families - "assets/scss/components/fonts/font_families.scss"
- Font weights - "assets/scss/components/fonts/font_weights.scss"
- Theme colors - "assets/scss/components/colors.scss"
- Font tag styles (eg h1, h2, ect.) - "assets/scss/components/fonts.scss"
- Font tag styles (eg h1, h2, ect.) - "assets/scss/components/fonts.scss"
- Animations - "assets/scss/components/utilities/animations.scss"
- Background styles - "assets/scss/components/utilities/backgrounds.scss"
- Buttons - "assets/scss/components/utilities/buttons.scss"
- Forms - "assets/scss/components/utilities/forms.scss"
- Layout - "assets/scss/components/utilities/layout.scss"
- Lists - "assets/scss/components/utilities/lists.scss"
- Margins - "assets/scss/components/utilities/margins.scss"
- Paddings - "assets/scss/components/utilities/paddings.scss"
- Full-height panels - "assets/scss/components/utilities/panels.scss"
- Positioning (relative, absolute, fixed) - "assets/scss/components/utilities/positionings.scss"
- CSS3 transitions - "assets/scss/components/utilities/transitions.scss"
- Vertical Alignment - "assets/scss/components/utilities/vertical_alignment.scss"
- SKM Framework uses Bootstrap 3 as the core front-end framework and includes font-awesome and all other bootstrap components
- To add custom Google Fonts update the following file with your Google Fonts URL
- "lib/google_fonts" (Line 7)
- Update your global SASS font variables in the following file -
- "assets/scss/components/fonts/font_families.scss"