: (your '(LISP webserver))
A webserver in LISP FTW.
Aeon (Greek: Αἰών) is a Hellenistic deity associated with time, the orb or circle encompassing the universe, and the zodiac. The "time" represented by Aeon is unbounded, in contrast to Chronos as empirical time divided into past, present, and future. He is thus a god of eternity.
lein figwheel
echo 'now in a seperate window...'
open http://localhost:8081/cljs
lein ring server
- Escape SQL injection (note: no decent sql injection escaping libaries out there); used
- Check if datasets conform to allowed map of datasets. Else, give a 404 instead of throwing an exception
- Seeing this error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- Add more unit tests, test each report
Note: formerly valid sql injection: http://localhost:8080/api/equities'select%201'--/latest
$ curl [host].duckdns.org/api/equities/latest
{"body":[{"open":148.45,"date":"2017-05-18T07:00:00Z","adj_volume":16101229.00,"adj_close":148.06, \
"ticker":"FB","adj_low":147.96,"ex_dividend":0.00,"close":148.06,"volume":16101229.00,"high":149.39, \
CORS (cross origin resource sharing) is way that allows resources from one domain to be requested from another domain. Browers however tended to restrict CORS on api calls, unless:
- the API passes a pre-flight check, made by an HTTP OPTIONS method call (were
it the same origin, only an HTTP GET would be called), and only after OPTIONS
is successful (with the server including the
response header including the requester's origin), will the broswer make an HTTP GET; and - some headers in the response are sent by the API, specifically
Because Aeon deploys the static assets on a CDN (netlify), and the server lives on a separate domain, CORS needs to be enabled for the single-page-application on the CDN to work correctly.
Make sure the jks is in the prod servers: scp -P [port] java_key_store [user]@[bastion].:~
ssh to the prod servers, start tmux, and fire:
ssh [alias].
export ro_jdbc_db_uri='jdbc:postgresql://[host]:[port]/[db_name]?sslmode=require&user=[user]&password=[pass]'
export quandl_api_key=''
# to run athena queries
export jdbc_athena_uri='jdbc:awsathena://athena.[region].amazonaws.com:[port]?s3_staging_dir=s3://aws-athena-query-results-[id]-[region]&query_results_encryption_option=SSE_S3&user=$aws_access_key_id&password=$aws_secret_access_key'
https://letsencrypt.org/ certificates are only good for 3 months; as such, this neccessitates a periodic rotation of certificates.
The SSL termination hosted by pfsense is automated automated by the pfsense
ACME package's cron job, which runs at 16 3 * * *
. If for some reason it
hasn't renewed, ssh onto pfsense and run the command:
/usr/local/pkg/acme/acme_command.sh "renewall"
. It may fail because it can't
write a txt record to a duckdns subdomain. The fix is confirm the subdomains
for the certificate and duckdns are the same. Also confirm the api keys for the
various subdomains. After that, HAproxy may restart, and the new certificate
will be live: minimal effort!
For externally hosted sites, run the
script. You just need to be
on the VPN so pfsense.
resolves. The script can be run as a shell script, or
each command individually/interactively. After completion, log in to the
external server's tmux session and restart the server.
- Did the jks made it onto the host ok? (
cat ~/[jks]; ls -la ~/[jks]
) - Did the jks made it into the container ok? (
cat /[jks]; ls -la /[jks]
) - Web server Listening on the port? (via another shell in the container)?
- If in a VM, port forwarding in the VM? (
netstat -tulpen
orsockstat -l 4
) - Port forwarding on the host? (
VBoxManage controlvm "default" natpf1 "tcp-port8443,tcp,,8443,,8443";
- Latest docker image! (key!)
Did it work? (locally)
curl localhost:8080
curl --insecure localhost:8443
Did it work? (externally)
curl $(curl v4.ifconfig.co 2>/dev/null)
curl --insecure "https://$(curl v4.ifconfig.co 2>/dev/null)"
curl --insecure https://$(nslookup [host]-aws.duckdns.org | grep Address | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
curl https://[host].duckdns.org
Protocol Scheme Port Source Allow/Deny
Protocol Scheme Port Source Allow/Deny
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8443
sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING 1
Need to portforward host to guest ports.
VBoxManage controlvm "default" natpf1 "tcp-port8080,tcp,,8080,,8080";
VBoxManage controlvm "default" natpf1 "tcp-port8443,tcp,,8443,,8443";
Optional set up:
docker-machine create --driver "virtualbox" --virtualbox-hostonly-cidr "" default
docker-machine stop default
docker-machine start default
docker-machine regenerate-certs default
echo " docker" >>/etc/hosts
sudo nmap -v -sS -A -T4 $(nslookup [host]-aws.duckdns.org | grep Address | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
sudo nmap -sS -O $(nslookup [host]-aws.duckdns.org | grep Address | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
nmap --top-ports 5000 -T4 -sC $(nslookup [host]-aws.duckdns.org | grep Address | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
git remote add pi-vpn ssh://[user]@[bastion].:43/~/deploy/git/aeon.git
git remote add pi-home ssh://[user]@[host]/~/deploy/git/aeon.git
vim .git/hooks/pre-commit
#!/usr/bin/env bash
lein pom 2>&1 dev-resources/pom.xml
lein deps :tree 2>deps 1>/dev/null && vim deps
lein cljfmt check ; lein cljfmt fix
lein kibit >tmp ; vim tmp && rm tmp
(defn- prepare-statement
[sql params]
(loop [sql sql
kvs (map identity params)]
(if (empty? kvs)
(let [[[k v] & others] kvs]
(recur (string/replace sql (str k) (str (jdbc/sql-value v)))
(defn query
(query sql {}))
([sql params]
(with-open [conn (-> :ro-db-jdbc-uri env java.sql.DriverManager/getConnection)]
(let [sql (-> sql
(string/replace #";" "")
(string/replace #"--" "")
(string/replace #"\/" "")
(string/replace #"\/\*" "")
(string/replace #"\*\\" "")
(prepare-statement params))
results (-> conn
(.executeQuery sql))]
(jdbc/metadata-result results)))))