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Merge pull request #10 from skelpo/develop
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calebkleveter authored May 17, 2018
2 parents 0f51326 + 3c34a30 commit 7530c79
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,35 @@ The JWTMiddleware module exports the following types:
- `RouteRestrictionMiddleware`:

Restricts access to routes based on a user's permission level (i.e. Admin, Moderator, Standard, etc.)

restrictions: [
RouteRestriction(.DELETE, at: "users", User.parameter, allowed: [.admin, .moderator]),
parameters: [User.routingSlug: User.resolveParameter]

You must add custom parameter types used due to the way the request's URI and the restrictions path components are checked. Default parameter types are added by default.

If a user is authenticated via middleware before `RouteRestrictionMiddleware`, the middleware will use that user's ID to check against the ID in the JWT payload we checking a request.

- `RouteRestriction`:

A restriction constraint for a `RouteRestrictionMiddleware` instance. The initializer takes in an optional method, a path, and valid permission levels for that path. If the method is `nil`, any method for the given path will be restricted.

RouteRestriction(.GET, at: "dashboard", "user", User.parameter, "tickets", allowed: [.admin])

- `PermissionedUserPayload`:

Extends `IdentifiableJWTPayload` adding a

## JWTAuthenticatable

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252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions Sources/JWTMiddleware/AdminMiddleware.swift
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@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
import JWTAuthenticatable
import Authentication
import JWTVapor
import Fluent
import Vapor

/// Represents a payload for a JWT token that represents
/// a user, holding both its ID and permission status.
public protocol PermissionedUserPayload: IdentifiableJWTPayload {

/// The type used to represent the user's status.
associatedtype Status: Equatable

/// The user's permission status in
/// the current service.
var status: Status { get }

/// A data structure that a request must match for
/// the request to pass through `RouteRestrictionMiddleware`.
public struct RouteRestriction<Status> where Status: Equatable {

/// The components of a path that the
/// request's URI must match.
public let path: [PathComponent]

/// The HTTP method that request's method
/// must match. Any method is valid if this
/// property is `nil`.
public let method: HTTPMethod?

/// The permission levels that are allowed to
/// access routes with the given path
/// and method.
public let allowed: [Status]

/// Creats a new restriction for incoming requests.
/// - Parameters:
/// - method: The method that the request must match.
/// - path: The path components that the request's
/// path elements must match.
/// - allowed: An array of permission levels that
/// are allowed to access the matching route.
public init(_ method: HTTPMethod? = nil, at path: PathComponentsRepresentable..., allowed: [Status]) {
self.method = method
self.path = path.convertToPathComponents()
self.allowed = allowed

/// Verifies incoming request's againts `RouteRestriction` constraints.
public final class RouteRestrictionMiddleware<Status, Payload, Authed>: Middleware
where Authed: Authenticatable & Model & Parameter, Payload: PermissionedUserPayload, Status == Payload.Status, Authed.ID: LosslessStringConvertible, Authed.ID == Payload.ID

/// All the restrictions to check against the
/// incoming request. Only one restriction must
/// pass for the request to validated.
public let restrictions: [RouteRestriction<Status>]

/// The status code to throw if no restriction passes.
public let failureError: HTTPStatus

/// Parameters types that can be used in a route path.
public let parameters: [String: (String, Container)throws -> Any]

/// Creates a new `RouteRestrictionMiddleware`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - restrictions: An array the `RouteRestrictions` to verify each incoming
/// request against.
/// - failureError: The HTTP status to throw if all restrictions fail. The default
/// value is `.notFound` (404). `.unauthorized` (401) would be another common option.
/// - parameters: Paramater types that can be used in a route path. Basic types are
/// added by default, so only add custom types.
public init(restrictions: [RouteRestriction<Status>], failureError: HTTPStatus = .notFound, parameters: [String: (String, Container)throws -> Any] = [:]) {
self.restrictions = restrictions
self.failureError = failureError

let defaultParameters: [String: (String, Container)throws -> Any] = [
String.routingSlug: String.resolveParameter,
Int.routingSlug: Int.resolveParameter,
Int8.routingSlug: Int8.resolveParameter,
Int16.routingSlug: Int16.resolveParameter,
Int32.routingSlug: Int32.resolveParameter,
Int64.routingSlug: Int64.resolveParameter,
UInt.routingSlug: UInt.resolveParameter,
UInt8.routingSlug: UInt8.resolveParameter,
UInt16.routingSlug: UInt16.resolveParameter,
UInt32.routingSlug: UInt32.resolveParameter,
UInt64.routingSlug: UInt64.resolveParameter,
Float.routingSlug: Float.resolveParameter,
Double.routingSlug: Double.resolveParameter,
UUID.routingSlug: UUID.resolveParameter
self.parameters = parameters.merging(defaultParameters) { first, _ in first }

/// Called with each `Request` that passes through this middleware.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: The incoming `Request`.
/// - next: Next `Responder` in the chain, potentially another middleware or the main router.
/// - Returns: An asynchronous `Response`.
public func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Response> {
let cleanPath = Array(request.http.url.pathComponents.dropFirst())

// Iterate over each restrction, seeing if it matches the request.
let passes = try restrictions.filter { restriction in

// Verify restriction path components and request URI equality.
// We drop the first element of the request's patch components because
// that values is always `/`, which we don't need to match against.
try restriction.path, to: cleanPath, parameters: self.parameters, on: request) &&

// Verfiy resriction and request method equality.
(restriction.method == nil || restriction.method == request.http.method)

if passes.count <= 0 {

// There are no matching restrictions for the request. Continue the responder chain.
return try next.respond(to: request)

do {
// Fetch the payload from the request `Authorization: Bearer ...` header.
// We use the payload to get the user's permission level.
let payload = try request.payload(as: Payload.self)

// Check that the user's permission level exists in the ones
// contained in the restrictions thatr match the request.
try{ $0.allowed }).joined().contains(payload.status) ||
self.authedIDs(from: request, matching: cleanPath, and: passes[0].path, for: Authed.self).contains(
else {
throw Abort(self.failureError)
} catch {

// There us no payload, but we expected one.
// The user is not authenticated, so throw the
// registered failure error.
throw Abort(self.failureError)

// Continue the responder chain.
return try next.respond(to: request)

/// Compares an array of path component cases to a URI's path components,
/// resolving whether the URI would be valid for a route with the given components.
/// - Parameters:
/// - components: The `PathComponent` cases to check against
/// the URI path components.
/// - path: The URI path components. If the `URL.pathComponents` property
/// is used for this value, drop the leading forward slash before passing it in.
/// - The parameter types that appear in `components` array. If there are none, an
/// empty dictionary can be passed in. A single entry is `<TYPE>.routingSlug: <TYPE>.resolveParameter`.
/// - container: The container used to run the paramter resolving functions. This will probably be a request.
/// - Returns: `true` if the components and path are equivalent. `false` if they are not.
public func compare(components: [PathComponent], to path: [String], parameters: [String: (String, Container)throws -> Any], on container: Container)throws -> Bool {

// Zip the arrays togeather so we can check each
// element in the same position.
for (component, element) in zip(components, path) {
switch component {

// Always matches the rest of the components.
// We haven't returned false yet, so return true.
case .catchall: return true

// Always matches the current case.
// Continue to the next loop iteraton.
case .anything: continue

// Check that the current path element and component match.
// If they do, continue to the next iteration, otherwise return `false`.
case let .constant(constant): guard constant == element else { return false }

// Get the parameter type for the given placeholder slug.
// Run the `.resolveParameter` method on it. If it doesn't
// throw, we assume a match and continue the loop.
case let .parameter(value):
guard let resolver = parameters[value] else {
throw Abort(.internalServerError, reason: "No registed parameter type found for slug '\(value)'")
_ = try resolver(element, container)
return true

/// Gets the IDs of a model type from a URI's path components
/// by comparing them to an array of `PathComponent` cases, along
/// with the uthenticated model's ID.
/// - Parameters:
/// - path: The path components to extract the IDs from.
/// - matching: The `PathComponent` cases that represent
/// the `path` parameter passed in.
/// - The parent model type for the IDs that are being extracted.
/// - Returns: All the `Parent.ID` instances that appear in the path passed in.
public func authedIDs<Parent>(from request: Request, matching path: [String], and components: [PathComponent], for userType: Parent.Type = Parent.self)throws -> [Parent.ID]
where Parent: Model & Parameter & Authenticatable, Parent.ID: LosslessStringConvertible

// The all the parameter IDs, plus the ID of
// the authenticated user if there is one.
let ids = try self.ids(from: path, matching: components, for: Parent.self)
if let parent = try request.authenticated(Parent.self) {
return try ids + [parent.requireID()]
return ids

/// Gets the IDs of a model type from a URI's path components
/// by comparing them to an array of `PathComponent` cases.
/// - Parameters:
/// - path: The path components to extract the IDs from.
/// - matching: The `PathComponent` cases that represent
/// the `path` parameter passed in.
/// - The parent model type for the IDs that are being extracted.
/// - Returns: All the `Parent.ID` instances that appear in the path passed in.
public func ids<Parent>(from path: [String], matching: [PathComponent], for userType: Parent.Type = Parent.self)throws -> [Parent.ID]
where Parent: Model & Parameter, Parent.ID: LosslessStringConvertible

// Get path componentns that are used as parameters.
return try zip(path, matching).compactMap { components -> (slug: String, element: String)? in
guard case let PathComponent.parameter(slug) = components.1 else { return nil }
return (slug, components.0)

// Filter out parameters for the `Parent` model.
.filter { $0.slug == Parent.routingSlug }

// Get the `Parent` IDs from the paramneter value
// passed in through the URL.
.map { parameter in
guard let id = Parent.ID.init(parameter.element) else {
throw Abort(.badRequest, reason: "Unable to create \(String(describing: Parent.self)) ID from parameter '\(parameter.element)'")
return id

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