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Ubuntu Step by Step Compilation

Simon Judd edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 13 revisions

This section will detail how to compile SLADE in Ubuntu (and probably anything else using apt-get, like Debian). This method has been tested on a fresh install of Ubuntu 23.04 and should work fine.

Step 1: Download and install the required libraries and tools

First things first, we'll need to install all the libraries and tools required by SLADE and wxWidgets. Open a terminal window and type the following line:

sudo apt install build-essential git cmake libfreeimage-dev libwxgtk3.2-dev libwxgtk-webview3.2-dev libftgl-dev libfluidsynth-dev libsfml-dev liblua5.4-dev ninja-build

If any of the above libraries can't be found, try running apt-cache search <libname>, as the library name may have changed or updated since this was written.

Step 2: Download SLADE sources from the GitHub repository

The next step is to download the SLADE sources from GitHub. First up, open Terminal and cd to some directory (or you can just use home if you want). Then enter the following line:

git clone slade

This should download the SLADE sources and put them in the slade directory.

Step 3: Compile SLADE

Finally, enter the following commands to compile SLADE (using CMake):

cd slade/dist
cmake .. -G Ninja
cmake --build .

And that should be it, you should now be able to run SLADE by entering ./slade in the terminal window (from the SLADE directory).

Latest Release: 3.2.4

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