Luguz is a captcha implementation in go. Its a rest api server that serves base64 encoded captcha challenges along with its solutions. The rendered captcha image is basically a blank background with a bunch of random circles one of them is open. The solution is the coordinates of a rectangle that borders the open circle.
Example request:
curl http://host:port/captcha
# to run tests:
make test
# to build luguz binary:
make build
-cache int
The number of the pre-rendered captcha images to cache in memory. (default no cache)
-circles int
The number of the circles in the rendered captcha image. (default 10)
-height int
The height of the rendered captcha image. (default 200)
-width int
The width of the rendered captcha image. (default 500)
In this mode, luguz will build in-memory cached list of pre-rendered captchas and serve the requests from it. At the same time, a process is running in background and preparing new cashes, replacing the main cache when it depletes. If the incoming requests are faster than the cache regenerating process, lugus will serve a random dirty(used before) captchas until the cache is renewed.
Cached mode is enabled by passing option -cache=1000
for a size 1000 cache.
I use this following bash line to test the ouput real quick:
curl http://localhost:8080/captcha | jq -r ".data" | base64 -d | display
is part of imagemagick tool and jq
to parse the json output.