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Package Install

Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Jul 30, 2018 · 9 revisions



This document provides guidance and details to get HOMER 5 installed using pre-built packages


Choose your preferred installation method:

If you use HOMER in production or for business, please kindly consider supporting the project development and documentation with a donation.

Build Custom Packages (advanced)

If needed, HOMER packages can be manually built for each supported platform as follows:

RPM Build
sudo yum install -y git epel-release @Development
cd /usr/local/src/
sudo git clone
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP -R homer
cd homer
git submodule init
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
autoreconf -if
mkdir -p build
cd build
../configure --enable-rpm
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/root/bin
sudo ./
CentOS 7
make centos-7-x86_64.homer.rpm
CentOS 6
make centos-6-x86_64.homer.rpm

DEB Build
# Generate DEB Package
cd /usr/src
git clone
cd homer-installer
# Install DEB Package
dpkg -i ./homer-installer_5.0.5-1_amd64.deb
apt-get -f install

Enjoy Homer5!

Where is everything? Things moved around in Homer 5 - Get started here


Professional Support

For remote support, installations, customization or commercial requests please contact: [email protected]

For community updates, user discussion and experience exchange please join our users Mailing-List


HOMER's Captagent is now also available on Github

Developers and Contributors

Contributors and Contributions to our project are always welcome! If you intend to participate and help us improve HOMER by sending patches, we kindly ask you to sign a standard CLA (Contributor License Agreement) which enables us to distribute your code alongside the project without restrictions present or future. It doesn’t require you to assign to us any copyright you have, the ownership of which remains in full with you. Developers can coordinate with the existing team via the homer-dev mailing list. If you'd like to join our internal team and volounteer to help with the project's many needs, feel free to contact us anytime!

License & Copyright

Homer components are released under GNU AGPLv3 license

Captagent is released under GNU GPLv3 license

(C) 2008-2015 SIPCAPTURE & QXIP BV

If you use HOMER in production, please consider supporting the project with a Donation


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