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How to use this template in your own GitHub repository

Leighton Pritchard edited this page May 21, 2022 · 1 revision

Use this repository as a template for your own GitHub repository

To use git with your project, and this template, you will need to do the following

  1. Create a GitHub account (if you do not already have one)
  2. Create a new repository from this template in your GitHub account
  3. Clone your new repository to your local machine

Creating a new repository in your own GitHub account using this template

To create a new repository from this template at GitHub:

  1. Log in to GitHub at
  2. Use your browser to navigate to the GitHub page for this repository:
  3. Click on the Use This Template button

A screenshot of this GitHub repository showing the location of the Use This Template button on the GitHub repository page

  1. Click on the Owner drop-down menu, and select the account you would like to own the new repository (this will most likely be your own account)
  2. Type the name of the repository you want to create into the Repository Name field.
  3. Add a short description of your repository (or your project) in the Description field.
  4. Choose whether your repository should be Public (anyone can see or clone it), Private (only you and those you authorise can see or clone it), or Internal (this is probably not relevant to you, and can be ignored)
  5. Click Create Repository from Template

This will create a new repository in your GitHub account, which should be visible from your account page. You can then clone this repository to your machine, or work with it in the browser.

The official guidance for creating a new repository can be found on GitHub at the link below.