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Axel Dürkop edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 9 revisions


The Single Source Publishing Community (SSPC) is a network stakeholders from the Open Science community that are interested in Single Source Publishing (SSP) for scholarly purposes – developing open-source software and advocacy.

Single Source Publishing is an approach to publishing workflows to easily produce diverse publication output formats from only a single data source – e.g., from one dataset in Markdown or XML to make a multi-format publications as HTML, PDF, and JATS/XML, etc.

There are many different approaches to SSP and a variety of benefits of SSP on different aspects of the research lifecycle and a goal of the community is to be a meeting place to exchange ideas from these diverse practices.

The community is open to newcomers and experts.

A number of activities are organised by the community:

  • a discussion board to act as a place for Q&As and coordination;
  • as monthly 'SSPC Show & Tell' where participants will be invited to show off their products, projects, and research; lastly
  • occasional BarCamps / Book Dashes aimed at publishing guides on key SSP topics.

For more information check our the following | Wiki | Discussion.

Single Source Publishing Community (SSPC) – Discussion | 'Web

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