Releases: sinaptik-ai/pandas-ai
Releases · sinaptik-ai/pandas-ai
What's Changed
- fix: revert pandas dependency to 1.5.3 by @jonbiemond in #233
- fix: update cache.destroy() to remove all files by @jonbiemond in #244
- feat: unique chart folder names by @jonbiemond in #234
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
What's Changed
- BREAKING: feat: use conversational=False by default by @gventuri
- feat: add cache by @gventuri (#199)
- fix: save chart path on unix by @sandiemann (#229)
- fix: remove matplotlib from whitelisted libraries by @jonbiemond (#142)
- feat: add libs to whitelist by @sandiemann (#211)
- docs: fix default value for _is_conversational_answer by @kishore25kumar (#218)
New Contributors
@kishore25kumar made their first contribution in #218
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- feat: multiple dataframes by @victor-hugo-dc in #181
- feat: add save_charts by @jonbiemond in #188
- docs: update dependency install instructions by @jonbiemond in #186
- fix(hf): wrong concatenation of prompt and suffix by @mspronesti in #179
- Feature/refactor docs by @amjadraza in #185
- fix: too generic error message by @gventuri in #167
Full Changelog: v0.2.16...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- chore(deps): make google-palm optional dep by @mspronesti in #171
- fix: added entrypoint for cli access by @sandiemann in #170
- Update pre-commit-config entry for pytest check by @navneetdesai in #172
New Contributors
- @navneetdesai made their first contribution in #172
Full Changelog: v0.2.15...v0.2.16
What's Changed
- refactor: create a prompt class to handle prompts] by @gventuri
- fix TypeError: Cannot setitem on a Categorical with a new category (#… by @sandiemann in #152
- feat: add support for Google Palm in the CLI tool by @victor-hugo-dc in #157
- Following Features have been added by @amjadraza in #162
- feat: add from_excel (#121) by @jonbiemond in #154
- chore: avoid traversing the code twice by @victor-hugo-dc in #165
New Contributors
- @amjadraza made their first contribution in #162
- @jonbiemond made their first contribution in #154
Full Changelog: v0.2.14...v0.2.15
What's Changed
- Allow running with call by @mspronesti in #141
- Feat: Add Support for Google Palm by @WaseemSabir in #126
New Contributors
- @WaseemSabir made their first contribution in #126
Full Changelog: v0.2.13...v0.2.14
What's Changed
- fix: remove df override from the output code by @gventuri in #133
- refine prompt for generic data description by @sandiemann in #125
- isort marks local module as third party on import: fix unresolved import warning by @sandiemann in #131
- CLI by @victor-hugo-dc in #107
New Contributors
- @sandiemann made their first contribution in #125
- @victor-hugo-dc made their first contribution in #107
Full Changelog: v0.2.12...v0.2.13
What's Changed
- Support for Azure Openai by @mspronesti in #115
- feat: add auto pypi publish on new release by @TiansuYu in #112
New Contributors
- @mspronesti made their first contribution in #115
- @TiansuYu made their first contribution in #112
Full Changelog: v0.2.11...v0.2.12
What's Changed
- fix: fix charts by @gventuri in #109
- fix: removed fixed python version in pre-commit by @HenriqueAJNB in #106
Full Changelog: v0.2.10...v0.2.11