Releases: sinaptik-ai/pandas-ai
Releases · sinaptik-ai/pandas-ai
What's Changed
- fix(localloader): adding parameters by @scaliseraoul in #1647
- feature(litellm): pandasai litellm wrapper by @scaliseraoul in #1648
- fix(agent): remove wrong double validation by @scaliseraoul in #1659
- fix(query builders): quoting identifiers by default by @scaliseraoul in #1658
- fix(view_loader): add optional parameters to execute_local_query method by @maidacundo in #1663
- fix: correct column parsing by @scaliseraoul in #1667
- fix(agent): chat with view and other dataset by @scaliseraoul in #1660
- fix(core): img path in windows by @scaliseraoul in #1668
New Contributors
- @maidacundo made their first contribution in #1663
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.14...v3.0.0-beta.15
What's Changed
- fix(license): pypi license not displayed for the ee extensions by @ArslanSaleem in #1634
- fix(cache): removes cache by @scaliseraoul in #1635
- feature(SQLTransformation): SQL transformation by @scaliseraoul in #1636
- fix(expression): modulo operation issues by @scaliseraoul in #1637
- feature(IntegrationTests): add integration tests by @scaliseraoul in #1640
- docs: update ee license url in readme by @czakop in #1642
- fix(coverage): adding unit tests by @scaliseraoul in #1641
- fix(sandbox): ignore non string constants for finding query string by @ArslanSaleem in #1645
- fix(chart): fixed path fow Windows by @scaliseraoul in #1643
- feature(paginator): adding paginator functionality by @scaliseraoul in #1644
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.0.0a12...v3.0.0-beta.14
What's Changed
- docs: docstring improvements by @SaroAntonelloLovito in #1597
- feature(LocalLoader): enabling local loader to use duckdb loader by @scaliseraoul in #1620
- fix: fixing datasets naming convention by @scaliseraoul in #1623
- fix: passing correct dialect and error to llm by @scaliseraoul in #1625
New Contributors
- @SaroAntonelloLovito made their first contribution in #1597
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.11...v3.0.0a12
What's Changed
- fix(views): transformation using raw sql by @scaliseraoul in #1608
- fix(dataset): slug format validation on load by @ArslanSaleem in #1609
- fix(Views): multiple joins by @scaliseraoul in #1611
- fix(View): fixing aliases in view by @scaliseraoul in #1614
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.10...v3.0.0-beta.11
What's Changed
- fix(Views): updated views to reflect refactors by @scaliseraoul in #1582
- fix(config): dataframe remove config variable class attribute and chat by @ArslanSaleem in #1587
- chore: remove numpy dependency by @christophfroeschl in #1580
- fix(deps): remove numpy strict installation from all extensions by @ArslanSaleem in #1591
- fix(load): update error message in case of dataset not found locally and missing api keys by @ArslanSaleem in #1589
- feature(Views): adding view for local sources by @scaliseraoul in #1586
- feat(sandbox): add sandbox support in and by @ArslanSaleem in #1595
- feature(Views): views for a single dataframe by @scaliseraoul in #1594
- fix: transpiling sql to specific dialect by @scaliseraoul in #1596
- fix(schema): make columns mandatory for view by @scaliseraoul in #1599
- fix(sql_generation): handle scenario where table columns have "from" keyword in query by @ArslanSaleem in #1600
- feature(GroupBy): adding group by functionality by @scaliseraoul in #1603
New Contributors
- @christophfroeschl made their first contribution in #1580
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.8...v3.0.0-beta.10
What's Changed
- fix(Views): updated views to reflect refactors by @scaliseraoul in #1582
- fix(config): dataframe remove config variable class attribute and chat by @ArslanSaleem in #1587
- chore: remove numpy dependency by @christophfroeschl in #1580
- fix(deps): remove numpy strict installation from all extensions by @ArslanSaleem in #1591
- fix(load): update error message in case of dataset not found locally and missing api keys by @ArslanSaleem in #1589
- feature(Views): adding view for local sources by @scaliseraoul in #1586
- feat(sandbox): add sandbox support in and by @ArslanSaleem in #1595
- feature(Views): views for a single dataframe by @scaliseraoul in #1594
- fix: transpiling sql to specific dialect by @scaliseraoul in #1596
New Contributors
- @christophfroeschl made their first contribution in #1580
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.8...v3.0.0-beta.9
What's Changed
- fix(FileManager): updated path in create and pull methods by @scaliseraoul in #1579
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.7...v3.0.0-beta.8
What's Changed
- fix: adding http client parameter in by @prasum in #1567
- fix(pandasai-sql): dropping support for sqlite by @scaliseraoul in #1558
- feature(SqlLoader): transformations in SqlLoader by @scaliseraoul in #1569
- fix(sql_query): validate if the query is not malicious by @ArslanSaleem in #1568
- test: add more tests in the agent by @gventuri in #1572
- feature(FileManager): adding FileManager to make feasible work with the library in other environment by @scaliseraoul in #1573
- fix(sql): allow paramerized query through sql sanitization by @ArslanSaleem in #1576
- docs: update docs for sql, create, links, examples by @gdcsinaptik in #1571
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.6...v3.0.0-beta.7
What's Changed
- feat: filter only the columns that are provided in the schema by @gventuri in #1562
- fix(sql): dependencies of sql fixed by @ArslanSaleem in #1564
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.5...v3.0.0-beta.6
What's Changed
- fix(dependencies): update poetry file and pyproject files by @ArslanSaleem in #1557
- feat: add transformations by @gventuri in #1555
- feat: add CLI by @gventuri in #1560
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta.4...v3.0.0-beta.5