A framework for linking a arduino to a webbrowser, via a RS-232 Uart (Serial) interface and a Raspberry Pi or PC running a web server and provided python application.
Developed in conjunction with Hackerspace Adelaide. http://hackerspace-adelaide.org.au/ It was originally based on code written for my robot https://github.com/simotek/tanko-bot and was simplified / made more generic
A python3 Websocket server that forwards data between the web browser and a serial port on the running machine.
Note the PyLibs dir is licensed lgpl2.1
python3 main.py
A web page that connects to the server and sends / recieves data from it and the arduino
Add the file to the web server on your machine or just open the file in your browser.
Some sample arduino code that Turns on / off the LED on pin 13.