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Master thesis - tau polarization effects on tau neutrino detection

This repository contains the code for my master thesis on investigating the effects on tau polarization on IceCube measurements of tau neutrinos.

Repository structure


This folder contains the code to recreate the IceCube tau neutrino appearance analysis.

The .csv files are from the publicly released data and the hyperplanes_example.ipynb notebook was included as well in the public data release. This notebook shows how to use the hyperplanes to calculate the tau neutrino appearance.

The recreate.ipynb notebook contains the code to recreate several plots from the analysis, mainly the tau neutrino normalization $\chi^2$ plot. The notebook is an extension of the hyperplanes_example.ipynb notebook, with additional code added. There should however not be any difference regarding the detector efficiencies and application of the nuisance parameters.


Code for learning, installing, and testing Tauola.


Code for (re)learning and testing Geant4.