A React Native application to get a github REPO Stargazers list.
Edit .ENV file with your personal Github token. Click here to create a new one.
Install node-modules:
npm install
If you have not installed the application on native device, please run the command below ( if you already have, please jump to step 4):
- Android devices:
npm run android
- iOS device
npm run ios
- Android devices:
If you have installed the application on native device, please run the command below to start the server:
npm start
Insert repository owner and repository name and click on submit button to get the related Stargazers list.
- React Navigation (v6.1.6)
- React native toast message (v2.1.6)
Testing are implemented, please run npm run test
to start automation test about:
- Create App
- Services API status
This application is created using React Native CLI.