This package allows you to avoid race conditions when instantiating and precompiling Julia projects. This is particularly useful when using a common depot which multiple Julia processes might have access to (e.g. when working on a HPC cluster with a shared file system).
In particular, this partially works around the following issues:
This currently provides one function instantiate_precompile
which will attempt to run Pkg.instantiate()
and Pkg.precompile()
. If the latter fails, it will attempt to rerun
and Pkg.precompile()
Note that you probably don't want to add PkgLock.jl as a dependency to your project. Instead, a typical usage would be to install PkgLock.jl into a shared environment, and then use it in your initialization scripts.
For example, you could add it to a shared environment named pkglock
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("pkglock"; shared=true); Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url=""))'
(this only needs to be done once)
Then in your job submission script, you might have
julia --project -e 'push!(LOAD_PATH, "@pkglock"); using PkgLock; PkgLock.instantiate_precompile()'
# run program which uses the project