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ATTIC Ping Pong Website

This website is in development and aims to provide an interface for the UNO CMIT ATTIC to log, track, and view ping pong games that happen using it's ping pong table.

Release Notes

  • Milestone 1, 10/6/2022:
    • This release contains the routes, database migrations, database seeders, and partially completed controllers which will support many future features. This release also resolves is inline with the Project Plan thus far.
  • Milestone 2, 10/20/2022:
    • This release contains a redesigned login and register page, a home page, as well as the basics for authentication on the, frontend.
  • Milestone 3, 11/3/2022:
    • This release contains a completed profile page, updated submission routes, and more ways to gather statistics to support pages. It also contains the partially complete implementation of the core page, the game-play page, where users will interact with our system to play a game a ping pong.

To run locally (Windows)


  • an ssh key
  • composer 2.x
  • php 8.1
  • node/npm
  • virtualbox 6.1.x
  • vagrant


  • pull down repo
  • cp .env.example .env (copies the example .env file into one the project will utilize)
  • composer install (May need to uncomment line extension=fileinfo and extension=pdo_mysql in php.ini file)
  • vendor\\bin\\homestead make (if using git bash: php vendor/bin/homestead make) (this will generate the Homestead.yaml file)
  • php artisan key:generate (sets the APP_KEY property of the .env file)
  • Edit Homestead.yaml file to point to project directory & add ssh authorize and keys
  • Edit Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts to allow connecting to vagrant box locally
  • vagrant up (this will boot up the virtual machine. This can take several minutes. vagrant halt stops the virtual machine. vagrant destroy --force deletes the virtual machine. vagrant reload --provision will re-analyze the homestead.yaml file for changes and reload the box) (pay attention to the port forwarding section, you should see 80->8000, 443->44300, 3306->33060, and 22->2222. If you do not see those or one of the numbers is different, the application will likely run into issues. Very commonly, another process is using port 3306, causing this forwarding to use a different number, which will not work. vagrant port will show the ports being forwarded)
  • attempt to connect to the local site using the url in the Homestead.yaml file (if this fails, configuration is incorrect) (if you see any indication of your application, even an error page sent by the site, this step was successful)
  • If you get the error SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] (trying to connect via (null)), in .env set DB_HOST to localhost instead of
  • php artisan migrate (if this failes, the above 2 steps have likely been done in error) (if this succeedes, then we're almost ready)
  • If you run into errors when running the above migrate command, check your ports with vagrant port. You might be missing 3306, which can be fixed by adding the following to Homestead.yaml:
    - send: 33060
      to: 3306
  • npm install (this is also a vue project, so need these dependencies)
  • npm run build (builds the vue files. Can use npm run watch and npm run dev to have this run when files are saved)
  • php artisan storage:link This will create a symbolic link between the /public/storage location and /storage/app location. This allows us to save files (profile pictures) to /storage/app and access them in the app by linking to http://{our-website=name}/storage/{image-url}
  • (optional) php artisan db:seed (seeds the database according to the seeders)

Workflow for local development

  • automatic page change watching
    • vagrant up
    • npm run watch
    • while making changes
      • make change
      • if change affects migrations/seeders
        • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed (deletes current db, migrates db, seeds db)
      • view on site
  • manual page change
    • vagrant up
    • while making changes
      • make change
      • npm run build
      • if change affects migrations/seeders
        • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed (deletes current db, migrates db, seeds db)
      • view on site

Initial Server Deployment Process (Ubuntu 22.04)

  • First, update the server. sudo apt-get update
  • Install Apache sudo apt-get install apache2
  • Install PHP sudo apt-get install php (tested on Version 8.1.2)
  • Install PHP extensions sudo apt-get install php8.1-cli php8.1-common php8.1-curl php8.1-gd php8.1-mbstring php8.1-intl php8.1-mysql php8.1-xml php8.1-zip
  • Modify apache install to allow it to handle index.php files sudo vim /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf
    • add "index.php" to DirectoryIndex list (can also replace the list if you want)
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.php 
  • Install mysql server sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  • Open mysql to Edit password on Root user sudo mysql
    • ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'put your db password here';
  • Do the proper mysql installation sudo mysql_secure_installation
    • Validate Password Component: No
    • Change Root Password: No
    • Anonymous User: Remove
    • Disable remote Root login: Yes
    • Remove Test Database: Yes
    • Reload Privilege Tables: Yes
  • Login to mysql mysql -u root -p
    • Create base db CREATE DATABASE pingpong_db
  • Use the command line installation of composer:
    • It will look like this:
      • php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
      • php -r "if (hash_file('{HASH ALGORITHM.}', 'composer-setup.php') === '{SPECIAL HASH CHECK. COMPOSER VERSION DEPENDENT}') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
      • php composer-setup.php
      • php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
      • sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
  • Create project folder in user directory cd ~ && mkdir
  • Run Deployment Script in github workflow
  • Get into project folder cd ~/
  • Install Dependencies composer install
  • Link Storage php artisan storage:link
  • Migrate DB php artisan migrate
  • Seed DB php artisan db:seed
  • Change ownership of website folder and contents sudo chown -R www-data:www-data
  • Edit apache site config sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
<Directory /home/ubuntu/>
	Options FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride all
	Require all granted
  • Restart apache to allow changes to be recognized sudo systemctl restart apache2
  • Download Let's Encrypt cert CLI for SSL sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache
  • Run Let's Encrypt cert CLI sudo certbot --apache
    • Add email
    • Terms of Service: Yes
    • Share email: No
    • Select Website: (pick number associated with '')



A capstone project for the computer science degree at UNO. Frontend Repo:






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