This project is the starter for giving a robotics project eyes so it can sense the physical world around it without destroying it or itself!
So far I have
- Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor VCNL4000 - the link is to the later 4010, but should be compatible
- Analogue to Digital Converter (or ADC) ADS1115 - to communicate with upto 4 analogue devices, such as IR distances sensors
- Sharp 2Y0A21 Analogue IR Distance Sensor - Raw value provider to be converted by the ADC ADS1115 or other ADC if you have one
- Raspberry PI Model 3 - Almost credit card sized micro computer capable of running Windows 10 IoT
- Windows 10 IoT - Cut down version of windows. Can run background service like applications or UWP/XAML GUI applications
- I have plans to implement HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder to give my projects 3 ways to see!
The HC-SR04 is a really cheap sensor. I decided to get a few after seeing this Windows 10 IoT Core: UltraSonic Distance Mapper
So far my GUI in this project is not important to me, there may not even be a GUI in the project as I get closer to completing it. Its only present to help me see live readings without a companion device like a PC and for things like burn-in tests, making sure all the sensors collect values reliably for long periods of time.
Eventually I may start batching and streaming data in a more traditional IoT implementation, although the "robot" I am thinking of creating will hopefully be pretty autonomous so this data may even live and die on the device itself.
The code for this project is C# and developed with Visual Studio 2015
YouTube video demo, Windows 10 IoT running on Raspberry Pi 3 talking to some sensors