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- In the HACS Frontend, click the 3 dots in the upper right
- Click 'Add Custom Repository'
- Fill in the repo url https://github.com/silentbil/silent-image-slider and choose 'Lovelace' category.
- Install the custom card (should now appear in the Frontend)
- HACS should automatically add the following to your resources:
url: /hacsfiles/silent-image-slider/silent-image-slider.js
type: Javascript Module
Images can be local or remote. If you are using local images, make sure to place them in the www folder of your Home Assistant configuration.
type: custom:silent-image-slider
speed: 3
- /local/car.jpeg
- https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/048/558/869/non_2x/cute-family-with-children-avatar-character-free-png.png
- https://png.pngtree.com/png-vector/20240518/ourlarge/pngtree-beautiful-family-avatar-png-image_12476828.png
- https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/family-avatar-cartoon-character-portrait-couple-man-glasses-carrying-child-over-shoulder-vector-illustration-graphic-149661660.jpg
Name | Description | Default | Required | Values |
speed |
slider speed | 3 | No | number 1-5 |
infinite |
infinite slide | Yes | No | boolean |
showArrow |
Show next/prev arrows | No | No | boolean |
images |
List of images to display | [] | Yes | Array of strings |