This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
In the console, run this
// output: {articles: Array(0)}
To listen for state updates with subscribe with:
store.subscribe(() => console.log('Look I'm fired everytime, Redux!!'));
To change the state in Redux we need to dispatch an action by calling the dispatch method, in this case we are dispatching an action that will add an article.
store.dispatch(addArticle({ title: 'React Redux Tutorial for Beginners part 1', id: 1 }));
store.dispatch(addArticle({ title: 'React Redux Tutorial for Beginners part 2', id: 2 }));
store.dispatch(addArticle({ title: 'React Redux Tutorial for Beginners part 3', id: 3 }));
Chech the state again
// output: {articles: Array(3)}
store.dispatch(deleteArticle({id: 3 }));
Check the state again to see if the article was deleted
// output: {articles: Array(2)}
We can see the array has two articles now, so the article was deleted successfully!