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Releases: sigven/oncoEnrichR

Protein query identifiers

31 Mar 17:28
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  • Added possibility to use protein accessions (RefSeq, Ensembl) as query identifiers
  • Updated KEGG pathway database (20210329), MSigDB (v7.3)

PPI score fix

15 Mar 22:12
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  • Fixed bug: minimum score for PPI interactions (argument to onco_enrich) not propagatated properly

UniProt fix

15 Mar 19:10
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  • fixed bug when query type is uniprot_acc

Query verification

14 Mar 22:00
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  • Added dedicated report section that shows validation status for entries in query list
    • users can see which entries are found, not found (or potentially mapped as alias for gene symbols)
  • Removed lower limit of 20 entries in query list
  • CancerMine update
  • Minor aesthetic adjustments for varying input lengths (plots etc.)

NetPath inclusion

27 Feb 10:08
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  • Inclusion of manually curated signalling pathways from NetPath in pathway enrichment module
  • General data updates: EFO, DiseaseOntology, UniProt KB, Open Targets Platform, GENCODE

CORUM improvement

07 Feb 18:23
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  • using local version of CORUM for protein complex retrieval
  • remaing of arguments to core functions

Interactive sCNA plots

24 Jan 07:22
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  • New: interactive copy number aberration plots (plotly)
  • Added previously omitted elements (disease genesets) from KEGG database

Subcellular figure legend and genes of unknown function

21 Jan 22:01
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  • Added possibility to write analysis output to Excel workbook
  • Added option to set minimum confidence level for subcellular structure annotations
  • Added figure legend for cellular substructures
  • Added section that highlights genes of unknown/poorly defined function
  • Data updates
    • CancerMine (January 2021)
    • KEGG (January 2021)
    • WikiPathways (January 2021)

Prognostic associations & cell type/tissue enrichment

23 Dec 15:28
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  • Two new features of the report
    • Cell-type specific and tissue-specific gene expression patterns in target set (TissueEnrich)
    • Prognostic associations between gene expression and survival across tumor types (Human Protein Atlas)
  • General data updates (UniProt, Open Targets Platform, WikiPathways, KEGG, GENCODE)

Improved PPI retrieval

11 Aug 11:09
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  • For large querysets (> 200 proteins), retrieval of protein-protein interaction data from STRING is now working more efficiently
  • For efficiency (response time etc) and filesize of HTML report, maximum queryset size for oncoEnrichR is now set to 800 genes/proteins (minimum size is still 20)
  • wikipathways are updated to August 2020