These are the EZGripper ROS drivers. If you are not using ROS, use
Install the python EZGripper library
Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-joystick-drivers
Download code:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src $ git clone $ cd .. $ catkin_make
Setup parameters in joy.launch file
- ~port - serial device (like "/dev/ttyUSB0") or tcp endpoint (like "") to use
- ~baud - baud rate of the serial device, not used for tcp
- grippers - definition of grippers on this serial bus: the gripper name to use for the action interface and the servo id of the gripper (several ids if several grippers are to be used as one group), for example {left:[9], right:[10,11]}. By default, SAKE Robotics delivers its grippers with address 1 for Duals and 1 and 2 for Quads and 57kbps.
Launch the node - example launch files to support various EZGripper configurations.
$ roslaunch ezgripper_driver joy.launch // joy.launch is configured for a single servo gripper (dual) and the USB interface
$ roslaunch ezgripper_driver joy2.launch // joy2.launch is configured for two independent servos (quad independent) and the USB interface
$ roslaunch ezgripper_driver joy2sync.launch // joy2sync.launch controls two servos as if it were a single servo (quad dependent) and the USB interface
$ roslaunch ezgripper_driver joy_tcp.launch // joy_tcp.launch controls a single servo via TCP instead of USB
The driver provides an implementation of the SimpleActionServer, that takes in control_msgs/GripperCommand actions. A sample client (nodes/ is included that provides joystick control using the action API.
see in the urdf directory.
Serial connection issues:
Error message: 'Serial' object has no attribute 'setParity' --- this message indicates you have a new version of serial library that causes issues. Do the following command to load an older pySerial library.
$ sudo pip install "pySerial>=2.0,<=2.9999"
Error message: permission denied (get accurate error message). This indicates the user does not have privellages to use the /dev/ttyUSBx. The solution is to add the <user> to the "dialout" group. After executing the following command, reboot.
$ sudo adduser <user> dialout