this script is to upload data from csv file into couchdb, you need to provide the form_definition.json(you can get this from OpenSRP client assets folder) and csv file that have same columns name as variable names in the form_definition.json variable name so this data can be read by the OpenSRP client Ex : in form_definition { "name": "unique_id", "bind": "/model/instance/kartu_ibu/unique_id", "shouldLoadValue" : true },
then the columns name in csv file should be "unique_id"
OpenSRP server should be running
edit your BASE_URL into your OpenSRP server
edit your_user_here and your_password_here with your OpenSRP client user and password
put the form_definition.json and csv file into one directory with this script
rename your csv file name with the same name as the form name in your OpenSRP Client form_name (ex : in your assest folder is kartu_ibu_registration then your file name should be kartu_ibu_registration.csv)
run this script from terminal python -c csv_file_name -j json_file_name to see the json data
add -s from the command above to post it on OpenSRP server : python -c csv_file_name -j json_file_name -s