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Chris Mullins edited this page Jun 15, 2019 · 3 revisions

Install the plugin

Goto your Domoticz Server/setup

cd ~/domoticz/plugin/
git clone ESPMilight
systemctl restart domoticz.service

Configuring Domoticz

Goto your Domoticz Frontend page

setup > hardware > scroll down in Type and select: ESP8266 Milight Hub

  • Give this hardware a name
  • Fill in all the info that is asked
  • For MQTT settings, enter
    • mqtt_topic_pattern: milight/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id
    • mqtt_state_topic_pattern: milight/states/:hex_device_id/:device_type/:group_id
    • mqtt_update_topic_pattern: milight/updates/:hex_device_id/:device_type/:group_id
  • Hit Add

Configuring esp8266_milight_hub

  • Go to your Milight Hub then Settings > MQTT. Enter these settings to match the ones above:
    • MQTT topic pattern: milight/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id
    • MQTT state topic pattern: milight/states/:hex_device_id/:device_type/:group_id
    • MQTT update Pattern: milight/updates/:hex_device_id/:device_type/:group_id
  • Hit Submit

Getting bulbs to show up in Domoticz

  • Now go back to Domoticz and then Setup > Settings
  • Below hit Allow for 5 minutes
  • Hit "Apply Settings" upper right corner

After this...

  • Go back to Milight Hub and switch on/off every bulb you have configured.
  • You will see that every bulb will add as device inside Domoticz

Further Reading

Plugin Repo:

Here you find some info when you use dzVents System inside domoticz. Some set options are working some not:


  • Big thank you to @galinette2000 for writing the Domoticz plugin!
  • Thanks you to @poudenes for writing these instructions! (Reference: #452)