- Pro
Automated DevOps Pipeline Automation Project for seamless Web Application Deployment and Management using AWS, Docker, OpenShift, Jenkins, Ansible, Nginx, Prometheus where AWS Servers are provision…
HCL UpdatedJan 14, 2024 -
Automated DevOps Pipeline Project for seamless Web Application Deployment and Management using Jenkins, Ansible, Apache Tomcat deployed on AWS infrastructure that is configured using Terraform.
HCL UpdatedAug 4, 2023 -
Web-Application-Repository Public
This is a Python-Django Web Application Repository
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to peform CRUD operations with databases.
Python UpdatedJun 30, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to develop custom CLI applications.
Python UpdatedJun 29, 2023 -
Python-Scripts-For-ETL-Jobs Public
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to work with ETL jobs.
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to Find SSL expiry date of the given hostname.
Python UpdatedJun 28, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to work with Instances using AWS Lambda
Python UpdatedJun 28, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to fetch IPs of live servers. (Ex: in an autoscaling group, etc)
Python UpdatedJun 27, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to take backups on Cloud.
Python UpdatedJun 27, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to fetch secrets from Vaults or Secrets Managers
Python UpdatedJun 27, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed for Kafka Use Cases.
Python UpdatedJun 18, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed for log monitoring and alerting.
Python UpdatedJun 18, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to execute shell commands & scripts on Linux systems.
Python UpdatedJun 18, 2023 -
This repository hosts a collection of Python scripts designed to query databases using various libraries and drivers.
Python UpdatedJun 18, 2023 -
Terraform-with-AWS-S3 Public
Creating S3 bucket and uploading data in S3 buckets with Terraform
Terraform-with-AWS-IAM Public
Creating AWS IAM User and assigning Policies with Terraform
Terraform-with-AWS-EC2 Public
Provisioning EC2 with Terraform
This Repository contains the Live Video Object Detection Project.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 26, 2020 -
This Repository contains the Dublin Bikes Usage Analysis Tableau Visualization Project.
MIT License UpdatedJul 24, 2020 -
This Repository contains the Cryptocurrency Coins Stock Prices Tableau Visualization Project.
This Repository contains the BitCoin Stock Price Prediction using LSTM Project.
This Repository contains the COVID-19 Tracker Tableau Project which features the real-time analysis.
MIT License UpdatedJul 13, 2020 -
This Repository contains the Stock Price Prediction using LSTM Project.
Wine-Quality-Test-Project Public
This Repository contains the Wine Quality Test Project.
This Repository contains the All-time Indian Cricket analysis Tableau Project based on the Stats/Records.
1 UpdatedJul 11, 2020 -
This Repository contains the KPMG Virtual Internship Project: Data Visualization Part
UpdatedJul 11, 2020 -
This Repository contains the House Price Prediction Project.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
Titanic-Survival-Project Public
This Repository contains the Titanic Survival Project created by using Logistic Regression in Machine Learning.
python data-science machine-learning machine-learning-algorithms logistic-regression titanic-survival titanic-datasetJupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 9, 2020 -
This Repository contains the Iris Dataset Project created by using 4 different ML Algorithms.
python machine-learning machine-learning-algorithms classification-algorithm iris-dataset iris-classificationJupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 9, 2020