PlainNewsApp is an app easy to use. You can save news and delete it. Also, you can search news.
Clone the repository on your machine. Open the project in your IDE and add your api key from newsapi and everything will be setup
- PlainNewsApp brings you breaking news
- PlainNewsApp can save your favourite news stories and delete them when you want
- PlainNewsApp can find you news by query
- Kotlin - Official programming language for Android development.
- Coroutines - For asynchronous and more..
- Android Architecture Components - Collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
- ViewModel - Stores UI-related data that isn't destroyed on UI changes.
- ViewBinding - Generates a binding class for each XML layout file present in that module and allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views.
- Room - Room is an android library which is an ORM which wraps android's native SQLite database
- Navigation - Android Jetpack's Navigation component helps you implement navigation
- Dagger 2 - Is a fully static, compile-time dependency injection framework for Java, Kotlin, and Android
- Retrofit - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- GSON - A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java.
- GSON Converter - A Converter which uses Moshi for serialization to and from JSON.
- Glide - An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
This app uses MVVM (Model View View-Model) architecture.