cat file.osm|./ <language> <Country Name> [<modules>]
bzcat RU.osm.bz2|./ ru "Россия" users,tags
bzcat RU-KLU.osm.bz2|./ ru "Калужская область"
wget -o /dev/null -O -|osmconvert --out-osm -|./ en Ukraine users,users-csv,tags
Script parses OSM XML from stdin and creates html files with given region statistics
Available modules:
- users: Show users statistics
- calchome: Calculate point with maximum density of user's edits
- places: Show list of places
- borders: Check administrative boundaries
- warnings: Show warnings
- tags: Tags statistics
- routing: Routing groups
- addr: Belarusian address schema info (deprecated)
Default modules: users,calchome,places,borders,warnings,tags,routing
Website code is available under website/ directory. You may adopt it to your own bunch of countries/regions.
Update script is update-reg. You should edit it for your purposes or create your own script.