This dotfiles repository is managed with chezmoiπ
, a great dotfiles manager.
The setup scripts are aimed for MacOS, Ubuntu Desktop, and Ubuntu Server. The first two (MacOS/Ubuntu Desktop) include settings for client
machines and the latter one (Ubuntu Server) for server
The actual dotfiles exist under the home
directory specified in the .chezmoiroot
See .chezmoiroot - chezmoi more detail on the setting.
To set up the dotfiles run the appropriate snippet in the terminal.
- Configuration snippet of the Apple Silicon MacOS environment for client macnine:
bash -c "$(curl -fsLS"
- Configuration snippet of the Ubuntu environment for both client and server machine:
bash -c "$(wget -qO -"
The following is a minimal setup command to install chezmoi and my dotfiles from the github repository on a new empty machine:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init shunk031 --apply
This repository provides for the installation and setup of each application individually. The desired application can be installed as follows (e.g., docker installation on MacOS):
bash install/macos/common/
Each installation script can be found under the ./install
Updating and testing the dotfiles follows chezmoi's daily operations. To verify that the updated scripts work correctly, run the scripts on the actual local machine and on the docker container.
The setup scripts are stored as shellscripts in an appropriate location under the ./install
After verifying that the shellscript works, store the chezmoi template-based file, which is based on the shellscript, in an appropriate location under the ./home/.chezmoiscripts
Below is the correspondence between shellscript and template for docker installation on MacOS.
- The shellscript for docker:
- The chezmoi template for docker:
Currently, chezmoi does not automatically reflect updated configuration files (ref. twpayne/chezmoi#2738).
The following command will execute the chezmoi apply
command as soon as the file is modified using watchexec
make watch
The chezmoi documentation mentions automatica application by watchman
See for more detail.
Test the executation of the setup scripts on Ubuntu in its initial state. The following command will launch the test environment using Docker π³.
make docker
# docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/home/$(whoami)/.local/share/chezmoi" dotfiles /bin/bash --login
# shunk031@5f93d270cb51:~$
Run the chezmoi init --apply
command to verify that the system is set up correctly.
shunk031@5f93d270cb51:~$ chezmoi init --apply
π¦ Unit Test with Bats 
Test the shellscript for setup with Bash Automated Testing System (bats).
The scripts for the unit test can be found under ./tests
The code coverage of the ./install
scripts are continuously monitored at The following Icicle graph represents the code coverage of the scripts:
The startup speed of zsh on MacOS with this dotfile is continuously measured at using benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark.
- Download
and deploy as~/.tmux.conf
wget -O ~/.tmux.conf
- Download
and deploy to~/.vimrc
wget -O ~/.vimrc
Inspiration and code was taken from many sources, including:
- twpayne/chezmoi from twpayne.
- alrra/dotfiles: macOS / Ubuntu dotfiles from @alrra.
- b4b4r07/dotfiles: A repository that gathered files starting with dot from @b4b4r07.
- da-edra/dotfiles: Arch Linux config from @da-edra.
The code is available under the MIT license.