Automated deployment of AWS Lambda function using Ansible.
AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers.
What is Ansible?
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications, automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
- Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
- Clone this repo
- Drop in AWS Credentials @ config/.aws/credentials folder. The aws credentials need to have permissions to manage AWS Lambda. For more information on AWS IAM refer here
$ vagrant up
This does the following:
- Copies AWS credentials from host to VM
- Installs Ansible
- Backs up Ansible hosts file and updates with the one that is provided with the repo.
- Gathers SSH public keys by executing ssh-keyscan on localhost.
- Installs python-pip and necessary aws packages.
SSH into the server
$ vagrant ssh
In order to establish password less access to nodes(and host) we need to establish SSH trust. The ssh-addkey.yml playbook uses authorized_key module which will help in configuring ssh password less logins on remote machines. More details on authorized_key module can be found here.
Check to make sure we do not have public RSA key.
$ ls -l .ssh/
We will create a RSA key by the following command
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
Check to make sure we have the file present as specified in the ssh-addkey.yml playbook.
Run the ansible play book - ssh-addkey.yml with ask pass option to make sure we are deploying the key to all machines- in this case there is only one machine- localhost.
$ ansible-playbook deploytoLambda/playbooks/ssh-addkey.yml --ask-pass
Now try the ansible ping module to ping the local server with the ask password option.
$ ansible all -m ping
This is should provide the following output.
localhost | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
Here we are using python code that will backup and tag an EC2 instance.
cd into src folder and update the file that will be deployed to lambda.
$ cd deploytoLambda/src
cd to playbooks directory once lambda function is ready to be deployed.
$ cd deploytoLambda/playbooks
Update the following variables with respective values
- LAMBDA_ARN - AWS IAM role with necessary permissions to execute the lambda function
- INSTANCE_ID - The EC2 instance that is being backed up
- INSTANCE_NAME- Name of the EC2 instance that is backed up
- INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION- Description for the image
Run the ansible playbook to deploy Lambda fucntion to AWS Lambda
$ ansible-playbook deploy-lambda-function.yml
This does the following:
- Zips up the python code
- Creates a Lambda function in AWS Lambda.