Welcome to Smartflix, where your search for the perfect movie is powered by AI. Dive into a vast library of films and find exactly what you're in the mood for with just a few words. The platform offers a smart, intuitive UI inspired by Netflix, but with a twist - it's smarter and ready to find your next favorite flick in a snap.
- AI-Driven Movie Search : Just ask for a movie recommendation like you would a friend, and our GPT-powered search will do the rest.
- User-Friendly Experience` : The interface is a nod to the best, making your transition to Smartflix feel like a homecoming.
- Real-Time Movie Data : Get the latest scoop on movies from our direct integration with TMDB APIs.
- State-of-the-Art Tech : Built with ReactJS, Redux, and Firebase to keep things running smoothly behind the scenes.
- Authentic User Interaction : Securely log in and interact with our platform without a hitch.
- Personal Recommendations : Discover movies tailored to your taste.
- Save for Later : Mark movies to watch and keep them handy for your next movie night.
Get ready for a movie-watching experience that's tailored just for you. Click the link and start exploring the world of movies like never before. Click me to see the magic!
NOTE: GPT-powered movie search is top-notch, but it comes with a cost. To enjoy the full AI search experience, please enter your OpenAI API key. Let's make movie magic happen together! I'am on a shoestring budget ;)