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Wallora webapp recreated using React


  • Souvik Basu (@souvikbasu)
  • Victor Rajkumar (@vctc)
  • Priyanka Jayaswal (@priyankajayaswal1)
  • Aryaman Todkar (@aryamantodkar)
  • Mohammed Hussam Khatib (@hussamkhatib)
  • Kit So (@Kit486759)
  • Rajakvk (@rajakvk)
  • Kratika Chowdhary (@kratika0907)
  • KartheeK Paturu (@kartheekwd)
  • Shubham Dave (@shubhamdave001)
  • Shriram Sapparad (@shriramcs)
  • Kevin (@lordofthegithub)

Getting Started

To fork the repo

To get the code in your localhost

  • Go to the forked repo in your profile
  • Click Code button and copy the git url from your repo. You may use SSH if you have SSH keys added to settings or use HTTPS
  • If you have not added SSH keys to your GitHub settings, please follow this article
  • Open command prompt and run the following to fetch the code into your local box
git clone <your git url>
  • Create a reference to the upstream repo to be able to create Pull Requests
git remote add upstream [email protected]:shoonyatech/

To run the project

  • For the first time install npm packages
npm install
  • Run the dev server
npm run dev
  • Run the storybook's explorer
npm run storybook

To setup graphql

Please refer to setup graphql server

After setup graphql server, start graphql server in separate command line

npm run start

To use Auth0

  • Use [email protected] to login to auth0 website using google.
  • Copy .env.local.sample to .env.local and populate the fields from the app you see in auth0 post login.
  • After this when you run the dev server and try to login you should be able to see the auth0 login flow.


To use Google Analytics

  • Use [email protected] to login to google analytics website using google.
  • Download two extensions Google Analytics Debugger and Tag Assistant companion
  • Populate .env.local NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS variable with Measurement Id poperty which can be found on GA portal here (accessible post login to GA).
  • After this run the dev server and enable the Google Analytics Debugger extension, then you should be able to see your activity flowing to GA homepage.


To create a commit and raise a Pull Request (PR)

doc|feat|fix|build(<page name>): <one liner of what is done in present tense>


feat(home): add Header component
  • Pull latest from upstream and rebase
git pull upstream main --rebase
  • Resolve any merge conflicts
  • Force push changes to your repo
git push origin main -f
  • Go to your GitHub repo page and click on Create Pull Request button. This will create a PR from your repo to upstream repo
  • One of the project moderators will review and approve your PR. They will ask for any changes if needed