This project is an ESP32-based weather station with a light sensor. It displays real-time weather data along with the room's light intensity level on an ST7789 TFT LCD screen. The device connects to the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch the current weather information for Sydney. A BH1750 sensor measures the ambient light level, and a servo motor adjusts its angle based on the light level.
- Weather Data: Fetches current weather conditions, temperature, and humidity via OpenWeatherMap API.
- Light Sensing: Uses a BH1750 sensor to measure ambient light.
- Servo Control: Adjusts a servo motor based on light levels.
- Display: Utilizes an ST7789 TFT LCD screen for a rich graphical interface.
- ESP32 Dev Kit
- ST7789 TFT LCD Screen
- BH1750 Light Sensor
- Servo Motor
- Arduino IDE
- ESP32Servo library
- DFRobot_GDL library for LCD
- ArduinoJson library
- HTTPClient library for API calls
- WiFi Configuration: Update the
in the code to connect to your WiFi network. - API Key: Replace
with your OpenWeatherMap API key. - Compile and Upload: Compile and upload the code to your ESP32.
Once uploaded, the device will automatically connect to the WiFi network and start fetching weather data. It will display:
- Light intensity in Lux
- Current weather conditions
- Current temperature in Celsius
- Current humidity level in percentage
The servo will adjust its angle according to the light level.
the library should be lib_deps = ESP32Servo DFRobot_GDL claws/BH1750@^1.3.0 BH1750 ArduinoJson SD FS ESPAsyncWebServer me-no-dev/AsyncTCP@^1.1.1 ottowinter/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome@^3.1.0 256dpi/MQTT@^2.5.1
the library should be lib_deps = ESP32Servo DFRobot_GDL claws/BH1750@^1.3.0 BH1750 ArduinoJson SD FS ESPAsyncWebServer me-no-dev/AsyncTCP@^1.1.1 ottowinter/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome@^3.1.0
the library should be lib_deps = ESP32Servo DFRobot_GDL claws/BH1750@^1.3.0 BH1750 ArduinoJson SD FS