Links to my various build scripts for macOS.
If a link doesn't work, it likely means I'm keeping that repo private.
- OpenDune Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty
- OpenXray S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat
- re3 and reVC GTA III and Vice City
- SDLPoP Prince of Persia (DOS version)
- vkMacQuake Quake and Arcane Dimensions
- Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Spearhead & Breakthrough
- Perfect Dark (N64)
- Source Engine games
- StarCraft Standalone patch for the official version
- Stratagus Warcraft, Warcraft 2 and Starcraft
- Super Mario including Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros (SNES remake) and The Lost Levels
- Super Mario 64
- Super Metroid
- Unreal & Unreal Tournament '99 Game data extractor
- WipEout-Rewrite WipEout
- Zelda A Link to the Past