- SILVA_138.2_NR99
- VirusHost Protein Database
- Using conda or mamba (recommended):
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n virus emboss fastp diamond seqkit megahit unzip gxx_linux-64 bowtie2 -y conda activate virus
- Using git:
git clone https://github.com/MennoMens/palmscan.git cd palmscan/src make
diamond makedb --in ./virushostdb.formatted.cds.faa -d ./db_diamond/virushostdb_protein
cat ./SILVA_138.2_LSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta ./SILVA_138.2_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta > SILVA_138.2_Ref_NR99.fasta
bowtie2-build ./SILVA_138.2_Ref_NR99.fasta ./bowtie2/rRNA
- Purpose: To detect adapter sequences, remove duplicates, filter low-quality sequences, and perform other quality control measures.
fastp --detect_adapter_for_pe \ --dedup \ --dup_calc_accuracy 3 \ --dont_eval_duplication \ --qualified_quality_phred 20 \ --n_base_limit 5 \ --average_qual 20 \ --length_required 50 \ --low_complexity_filter \ --correction \ --thread 8 \ -i ${fq1} \ -o ${seqID}_r1.fastp.fq.gz \ -I ${fq2} \ -O ${seqID}_r2.fastp.fq.gz \ --json ${seqID}.json \ --html ${seqID}.html
- Purpose: To align the cleaned reads against the rRNA database and remove rRNA sequences.
bowtie2 --local --threads 8 -1 ${seqID}_r1.fastp.fq.gz -2 ${seqID}_r2.fastp.fq.gz -x ./bowtie2/rRNA -S ${seqID}.rRNA.sam --un-conc-gz ${seqID} mv ${seqID}.1 ${seqID}.cleanreads.1.fq.gz mv ${seqID}.2 ${seqID}.cleanreads.2.fq.gz rm -f ${seqID}.rRNA.sam
- Purpose: To assemble the rRNA-removed reads into contigs.
megahit --memory 20000000000 --min-contig-len 300 -t 12 --out-dir ./megahit --out-prefix ${seqID} -1 ${seqID}.cleanreads.1.fq.gz -2 ${seqID}.cleanreads.2.fq.gz perl -pe 's/^>/>${seqID}-/' ./megahit/${seqID}.contigs.fa > ./megahit/${seqID}_addname.fna
- Purpose: To identify the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) sequences, which are indicative of viral genomes.
getorf -sequence ./megahit/${seqID}_addname.fna -outseq ./megahit/${seqID}_addname.faa -minsize 600
mkdir palmscan_results
${palmscan} -search_pssms ./megahit/${seqID}_addname.faa \
-tsv palmscan_results/${seqID}.tsv \
-fev palmscan_results/${seqID}.fev \
-fasta palmscan_results/${seqID}.pp.fasta \
-core palmscan_results/${seqID}.core.fasta \
-report_pssms palmscan_results/${seqID}.report.txt
- Purpose: To perform a BLASTp search of the assembled contigs against the VirusHost protein database to identify potential viral proteins.
diamond blastp -q palmscan_results/${seqID}.core.fasta -d ./db_diamond/virushostdb_protein.dmnd -o blastp_results.txt --evalue 1e-5 --top 5
- Purpose:Get classification information of virushostdb (./scripts/virushost_db_tax.sh)
#gunzip virushostdb.formatted.cds.faa.gz
awk '
BEGIN { FS="[|]"; OFS="\t" }
/^>/ {
split($1, id, " ")
gsub(">", "", id[1])
print id[1], $4
' $input_file >virushostdb.formatted.cds_tax.txt
- Purpose:Get classification information of blastp results
python ./scripts/blastp_tax.py -tax ../virushostdb.formatted.cds_tax.txt -i ./blastp_results.txt -o ./blastp_results_tax.txt
The integrated script is in scripts/virus_indentification.sh
The input file (sample.txt
) should contain three columns separated by spaces or tabs. Each row represents a sample with the following fields:
: Path to the first FASTQ file (forward reads).fq2
: Path to the second FASTQ file (reverse reads).seqID
: Sample identifier.
path/to/sample1_R1.fastq.gz /path/to/sample1_R2.fastq.gz sample1
/path/to/sample2_R1.fastq.gz /path/to/sample2_R2.fastq.gz sample2
/path/to/sample3_R1.fastq.gz /path/to/sample3_R2.fastq.gz sample3
Comments: leave a blank line at the end.
├── sample1.sh
├── sample2.sh
└── sample3.sh
1 directory, 3 files