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About the repo

This is an amateur coder's attempt to automate music discovery on Spotify by aggregating tastemaker preferences. Or in simpler words, find new music on Spotify by combining the choices of experts.

Essentially what I'm doing here is consolidating new music playlists from different publications and radio stations into a single playlist on Spotify.

Have written in more detail about why I coded it in this blog post.

If you don't want to code anything and just want the music, you have two options:

  1. Follow a demo playlist created using the default choices.
  2. Follow my personal playlist that mines 33 sources of new music. (Might be too much for most people though.)

Who this is for

  • Amateur coders who want to spend less time finding new music
  • Life hackers and others who want to automate aspects of their lives
  • People unhappy with Spotify's algorithmic playlists like 'Release Radar' and 'Discover Weekly'
  • Users outside the US and UK who want some diversity in their English-language music
  • Anyone who wants to simplify their Spotify experience

What's there in the repo

  • does most of the work — aggregating, removing duplicates etc.
  • playlist_ids_full.csv, which has a list of Spotify playlists you can aggregate
  • master_list_repo.csv, which is a list of songs released recently. When the script comes across a song, it will check the song against this csv to see if it's been on playlists earlier. The csv's populated with songs from playlists I've been aggregating.
  • where you'll place your Spotify developer credentials
  • config_email.ini where you'll place your email credentials, if you want be notified every week when the consolidated playlist is created
  • and for inspiration on how to customize

How to set things up

  1. Clone the repo with git clone

  2. CD into the directory and install the modules you'll need with pip install -r requirements.txt. I've made extensive use of the spotipy library to access the Spotify API.

  3. Create Spotify credentials — You'll need to set up a developer account at Spotify, if you don't have one already. Then put your client id, client secret and redirect url into

  4. Choose playlists to aggregateplaylist_ids_full.csv has a list of Spotify playlists you can aggregate. Info on each playlist is available in the name and description. If you think you want to include a playlist, just put 'yes' against it in the INCLUDE column. And if you don't want to include it, just leave the cell under INCLUDE blank. 6 playlists (Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, KCRW from the US and Line of Best Fit, NME, BBC Radio 6 from the UK) have been pre-selected to give you some default choices to start with, but they can be un-selected.

  5. Change the country code — You'll need to change one line in the script spotify_market = 'IN' and put in the two-letter ISO code for your country. (You can find the code from this list.) It's important for something called track relinking. Essentially, if a track on a playlist isn't licensed for your country, Spotify will find a version of the track that is licensed, so you'll have fewer unplayable tracks.

How it all works

The script looks at playlist_ids_full.csv and sees what new music playlists you've chosen. Then it goes to each playlist and collects the songs on it. If a song is already in master_list_repo.csv, it skips the song. But if the song's not there, the script adds it to a new playlist in your Spotify library. It also makes note of the song, so that if another playlist has it that week, the song doesn't get added to your personal playlist twice. The script also adds the song to master_list_repo.csv, so that it gets skipped in next week's run.

There's more details in It's heavily commented, so you'll know what's going on at each step.

How to use the script

After everything's set up, just run the script with python3

The first time you run it, you'll be asked to go to a url. After you go there, you'll be redirected to another url that contains an authorization code from Spotify. Copy and paste what's in the address bar into the terminal, after which the script starts running. This only needs to be done the first time, after this everything can be automated.

Things should be done in under half an hour, after which you'll find in your Spotify libary a playlist titled 'New Music for < your Spotify user id >'. The playlist is set to private, but you can make it public if you want.

A demo playlist created using the six default choices is here.

Note that your playlist is wiped clean and new tracks are added every time you run the script. So you'll need to get through the songs on the playlist before you run the script again.

You don't have to make it a chore though. Just have the playlist running while you're working/browsing/doomscrolling. 'Like' songs to add them to your liked songs list, and skip liberally. There's no limit in Spotify to how many songs you can 'like'. You can decide later what you want to do with the liked songs. (Put some on a workout playlist, others on an office playlist etc.)

Running it in the cloud

You only have to run the script once a week, so hosting it locally should't be an issue. (Schedule it to run every week using cron). But you can run it from a virtual machine (VM) in the cloud too. I'm using a VM with Oracle Cloud's free tier, but you can use your cloud provider of choice like Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services. This and this will help you get started with Oracle Cloud's free tier.

Things to keep in mind

  • Don't change the playlist name inside Spotify — The script uses a fixed pattern for the name ie. 'New Music for < your Spotify user id >'. So next time the script runs, if it can't find a playlist with that exact name, it'll create a new one. You can change the name though by going into the script and modifying the line:
    playlist_title_to_update = 'New Music for ' + current_user_id.

Further customization

(This section won't have much handholding. You'll have to get your hands dirty, and figure things out on your own sometimes!)

  • Get email notifications — If you want to be notified by email when your playlist is ready, you'll need to create a new mail id to send those mails to yourself. This page has detailed instructions on how to use gmail programatically to send emails. Then put in the email id where you want to receive the mail, the new email id you've created and its password into config_email.ini. Then go into and uncomment the part at the end for email.

  • Follow playlists you've chosen — Right now the script just mines the playlists you've chosen. But it can also follow these playlists on your behalf to boost their follower count and give something back. Have disabled this option because every playlist you follow will appear in your Spotify library, and I didn't want to clutter your library with 20-30 playlists at one go. What I do personally is I follow the playlists I aggregate, but I put them in a separate folder to keep my library tidy. Go into and uncomment the part below to enable the option.

    # if not sp.playlist_is_following(playlist_id, [current_user_id])[0]:
    #     sp.current_user_follow_playlist(playlist_id)
  • Add new playlists — You can also add other Spotify playlists to playlist_ids_full.csv. First get the playlist_url from Share > 'Copy Link To Playlist' on the playlist's page. This guide will show you how to add new rows to a csv. (Use the 2nd method where you append dictionaries as new rows. Has more typing, but it's clearer.) When adding a new row, the only values that are required are a playlist_url and a 'yes' value in the INCLUDE column. The other values are optional, but it's nice to have that info so you know what each playlist is about.

  • Retain tracks from previous weeks — Right now the updates are done in such a way that tracks added last week are removed, and fresh tracks come in its place. But you can also modify the script to ensure the previous week's playlist isn't wiped clean, and new tracks from this week just get added to the top of the playlist. will show you how to implement this.

  • Deal with the 10,000 song-limit — If you decide to retain songs from previous weeks, one issue that you will bump up against is the limit of 10,000 songs for a Spotify playlist. How gets over it is by deleting the oldest songs as soon as the song-count nears 10,000. Instead of deleting older tracks, another thing you could do is create a new playlist and add songs to that. will show you how to automate this process.

  • Find out which playlists are inactive — Some of the playlists you're aggregating, they might stop getting updates after a while, but you can use email to monitor how active different playlists are. implements this by mailing me with info on when each playlist was last updated (screenshot below).

Screenshot of email

Suggestions, criticism etc.

I'm not a professional coder/developer/programmer, so am sure there are things here I should be doing differently. If you have any suggestions, please contact me on [email protected] or at my twitter handle @shijith.

For example, I'd be especially interested in hearing if I should store the tracks and their details in a database instead of a CSV. Thought databases would be overkill for a small project like this, but was thinking that in a few years from now, the CSVs might get too large to load into memory and slow everything down, so databases might make more sense. Let me know! :)


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