It's a packet crafting tool written in python, using scapy. Kinda modular, at the moment we have the following modules:
- arpsub - broken? ... i dont remember
- gwscan - try to find a (gate)way to a different network
- tracemap - broken/unfinished
- flagfuzzer - TCP flag fuzzing for firewall auditing and messing with the netstack
- udpholepunch - broken/unfinished
- ipid - measuring
- rr - IP Options Record Route feature - like traceroute but -forexample- leaks internal IP addresses, etc. - see below
- tsfu - IP Options timestamp feature to map remote (internal) networks
- synfinfu - iptables firewall "--syn" bypass (Only match TCP packets with the SYN bit set and the ACK,RST and FIN bits cleared.)
- arping - i dont remember.
I wrote this tool a few years ago. Originally it was publicated at The techniques implemented in this tool were mostly discussed on BuheraBlog:
- [packet-fu#1|]
- [packet-fu#2|]
- [packet-fu#3|]
- [packet-fu#4|]