a very simple library written in Go for inserting or updating MySQL Tables with map[string]interface{}
Will save you the time to write insert function again and again for every table!
Example of inserting:
import "github.com/shaymargolis/mapsql"
func insertCafe(cafe_to map[string]interface{}) (int, error) {
return mapsql.insertToDB("cafe", cafe_to)
// Insert:
cafe_to_insert := map[string]interface{} {
"name": "The Club",
"chain": "Aroma",
insertedID, err := insertCafe(cafe_to_insert)
if err != nil {
// Error
} else {
// All was fine. the function will insert to table `cafe` cafe with name "The club" and chain "Aroma".
fmt.Println("We? Did it! inserted id: ", insertedID)
Exmaple of updating:
func updateCafe(ID int, cafe_to map[string]interface{}) error {
return updateDB("cafe", ID, cafe_to)
// Update:
cafe_to_update := map[string]interface{} {
"name": "The *Hilarious* Club",
"chain": "OtherHilariousChain",
"is_kosher": 1, // Other Column that we wish to change
err := insertCafe(insertedID, cafe_to_insert)
if err != nil {
// Error
} else {
// All was fine. the function will change table `cafe` item with ID insertedID to "name":"The *Hilarious* Club", "chain":"OtherHilariousChain" and "is_kosher":1 (true)