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VideoPlayerContainer is a video player component for SwiftUI. Compared with the system built-in one VideoPlayer, the VideoPlayerContainer provides much more flexible and extendable features that are able to cover most of the common scenarios that you can see on the app such as Tik Tok or Youtube.

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After cloning the repo and opening up the Xcode project, you can see multiple schemes as examples. Run it respectively to feel what abilities this framework can offer and how easy to use this framework to meet your demands.


VideoPlayerContainer supports multiple methods for installing the library in a project.

Installation with CocoaPods

To integrate VideoPlayerContainer into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'VideoPlayerContainer', :git => ''

Installation with Swift Package Manager

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding VideoPlayerContainer as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

Core Concept


Context is the core class and is fully accessible from all of Widgets in the VideoPlayerContainer, it holds a service locator which we can use to fetch other Services to borrow expertise from other Widgets. Adapters can access other Service instance by context[Service.type]. Context cache at a maximum of one Service instance for each Service Type. Besides, the built-in Service can be accessible by handy way such as context.render, context.control and so on.


Widget is literally a SwiftUI View that's inside the VideoPlayerContainer which means it can access the Context and in most cases, it has a specific Service to handle all of its logic code and to communicate with other Services. Generally, we use WithService as the root view of the Widget to access Service instance in Widget. This way, not only can we access Service's APIs, but also the Widget updates upon the States of Service changes.


PlayerWidget is the container which holding all of built-in Overlays and also the customized Widgets. It's the core View of VideoPlayerContainer.


Service represents two roles, one is the ViewModel in MVVM architecture, ViewModel handles all of the Output and Input for View. Another role is responsible for communicating with other Services. We encourage people to write Service and Widget in one source file. This way, we can use fileprivate, and private to distinguish which APIs are used only for its Widget and which APIs are open to other Services.

Actually, there're two kinds of Service: Widget Service, Non-Widget Service. Widget Service is the Service used by a specific Widget while Non-Widget Service is the Service used by other Services.

Property Wrappers

There're three property wrappers provided to enable you author readable and testable code.

  • ViewState: It's like the built-in Published. you can use it to mark state defined in Service.
  • StateSync: It's like ViewState, but it's used to sync state from other Service. For example, when you want your Widget to refresh itself when other Service's state changes, this is a right propertyWrapper to use.
  • Dependency: It's used for Service to introduce external abilities. In this way, you can easily change its implementation by calling Context.withDependency(_:factory:). This's really useful for Unit Test.


Overlay is the sub-container inside the VideoPlayerContainer layer by layer and it's the place where widgets sit. We have 5 built-in overlays, from bottom to top, these are render, feature, plugin, control, and toast. In addition, we allow adopters to insert their own Overlays.


Render Overlay

Render overlay is sitting at the far bottom of the container. It provides playback service and gesture services. Adapters can access AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer instance. Besides, there's one overlay called GestureOverlay embbed in the Render Overlay. It provides the control over gestures. For example, PlaybackWidget in VisionPro-Example support double-tap to pause and play by using GestureService, and SeekbarWidget support dragging horizontally to control the progress by using GestureService.

Feature Overlay

Feature overlay is used to slide in and out a panel from 4 directions (left, right, top, bottom). We provide two styles as well: cover or squeeze. cover literally display panel without having any affect on other Overlays like QuickTime-Example's PlaylistWidget, while squeeze display panels with squeezing Overlays to other side. Youtube-Example's CommentWidget.

Plugin Overlay

Plugin Overlay is a sub-container without many constraints on it. When you want to show up a widget that's not suitable for other overlays and you don't want to insert your own custom overlay, that's the right place for you, like a thumbnail preview widget for the seek bar on dragging (QuickTime-Example's SeekbarWidget and PreviewWidget ) or a simple widget that's visible only in a short time after being triggered.

Control Overlay

Control overlay is the most sophisticated overlay and the place where most work will be done. The Control Overlay is divided into 5 parts: left, right, top, bottom, and center. Before going on, please allow me introduce a concept called Status:

We predefined 3 statuses describing the environment of PlayerWidget. These are halfscreen, fullscreen, and portrait. The status changes are 100% decided by you. But generally, halfscreen describes the status of the portrait device that video's width is greater than it's height. fullscreen describes the landscape device that PlayerWidget fill up the whole screen, and portrait describes the status of the portrait device that the video's height is greater than the width.

For these 5 parts, you can configure them for different statuses which is quite common. For example, in halfscreen status, the screen is small and we can't attach many widgets to it but in fullscreen status. The video player container makes up the whole screen. We can attach many widgets to it to provide more and more functions.

For these parts, for these statuses, you can customize their shadow, transition, and layout. and other services can fetch the ControlService by context.control to call present or dismiss programmatically depending on the DisplayStyle configured.


Toast Overlay

Toast Overlay is a relatively simple Overlay that you can use to pop up view on the left side which will be disappeared after a few seconds configured. It supports a few customization like customizing the Toast Widget.

Usage: Add VideoPlayer

Let's say, we are going to author a player view in a video scene, here. We need to import VideoPlayerContainer, and create a Context for the player view or the whole video scene.

import VideoPlayerContainer

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var context = Context()
    var body: some View {

Now, you need to create the PlayerWidget to make it visible on the scene. It's the main container holding all of Overlays and Widgets. It requires a context instance to initialize it.

var body: some View {

The PlayerWidget is now attached to the scene. But you can't see it because we never do any configuration work and also don't pass the video resource item to play. Let's do some more work (specify the frame and play a video).

var body: some View {
        .frame(height: 300)
        .onAppear {

            /// play video
            let item = AVPlayerItem(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "demo", withExtension: "mp4")!)
            context.render.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: item)

Run it, and the video will be playing. Now, as you can see in other apps. We want to attach some widgets to it, like a button in the center to play or pause the video.

Usage: Write Widgets

As I said above, we need to write a playback control button and attach it to the center of the PlayerWidget. First of all, we need to create a SwiftUI source file named PlaybackWidget and author some basic UI code.

struct PlaybackButtonWidget: View {
    var body: some View {
    	Image(systemName: "play.fill")
            .frame(width: 50, height: 50)
            .onTapGesture {
                /// tap handler

This is a view showing a Play icon. Now, we need to attach it to the PlayerWidget. Here, we add it to the Control Overlay.

var body: some View {
        .frame(height: 300)
        .onAppear {

            /// add widgets to the center for halfscreen status
            context.control.configure(.halfScreen(center)) {[

            /// play video
            let item = AVPlayerItem(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "demo", withExtension: "mp4")!)
            context.render.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: item)

Now, you can see an play icon in the center. Based on default DisplayStyle which is auto, you can tap the blank area to hide or show the Control Overlay. However, when you tap the play icon, you will find nothing happens since we don't populate the logic code to make the Widget work as expected (play and pause). How?

When we created the PlayerWidget and passed in the Context instance, the Context instance will be put in the environment. Thus, all of the Widgets inside the PlayerWidget will have access to the Context. Instead of accessing Context directly inside the Widget, we prefer using WithService as the root View of the Widget to access the Service instance. It offers an abilities that get the Widget update when the State of Service changes.

fileprivate class PlaybackService: Service {
    private var rateObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
    private var statusObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
    @ViewState var playOrPaused = false
    @ViewState var clickable = false
    required init(_ context: Context) {
        let service = context[RenderService.self]
        rateObservation = service.player.observe(\.rate, options: [.old, .new, .initial]) { [weak self] player, change in
            self?.playOrPaused = player.rate > 0
        statusObservation = service.player.observe(\.status, options: [.old, .new, .initial]) { [weak self] player, change in
            self?.clickable = player.status == .readyToPlay
    func didClick() {
        if context.render.player.rate == 0 {
        } else {

struct PlaybackWidget: View {
    var body: some View {
        WithService(PlaybackService.self) { service in
            Image(systemName: service.playOrPaused ? "pause.fill" : "play.fill")
                .frame(width: 50, height: 50)
                .onTapGesture {

As you can see above, it's a completed Widget.

  • We use fileprivate modifier to mark APIs that's only available for its belonging Widget.
  • We use @ViewState to mark the variable that's able to trigger the SwiftUI update mechanism (like @Published, @State).
  • We use WithService as the Widget's root View to make sure any @ViewState variable changes will make the whole Widget involved in the update mechanism.
  • We use @ViewState variable to condition which image to use in the Widget. (ViewModel's Output).
  • We call Service method to complete the Widget's work (ViewModel's Input).

Access Modifiers in Service

We encourage adopters to author Widget and its Service in the same source file. In this way, we can make full use of access modifiers on Service.

  1. If you are creating a Widget Service that is only used by its Widget, fileprivate is better to modify the Service class. Since it's only able to be accessed by the Widget in the same source file. Also, keep using private to modify those properties and methods that are used only inside the Service.
  2. If you are creating a Widget Service that offers some API for other Services, internal or public is better to modify the Service class. Since other Services have to access your Service Type in the compilation time. Also, keep using private to modify those properties and methods that are used only inside the Service and using fileprivate to modify those properties and methods that are used only by its Widget.
  3. If you are creating a Non-Widget Service that offers some API for other Services, internal or public is better to modify the Service class. Since other Services have to access your Service Type in the compilation time. Also, keep using private to modify those properties and methods that are used only inside the Service.

Core Folder

The source files in the Core folder are not only fitting for this project. but also most of the other requirements. When you are creating a complex scene or module. These core files are really useful and able to make your code more readable and testable.

Idea / Bug / Improvement

Feel free to report issues and let's improve it together 😀.


VideoPlayerContainer is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.