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Helper functions to edit Asciinema recordings


There's no CLI implemented. You should open a Clojure REPL and call functions from there.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open your favorite text editor. Write all the commands there in advance. We're not going to type them to terminal, instead we're going to just copy-paste the commands

  2. Install asciinema

  3. Start recording

    asciinema rec
  4. Start copy-pasting the commands

    (Please note: If you're using iTerm2, you may need to turn off paste bracketing)

    One neat way is to use iTerm2 > Edit > Paste Special > Advanced Paste...

  5. End recording (ctrl+d) and save it locally (ctrl+c)

    Note the location where the recording was saved. Something like /var/folders/0p/vtdv4p053pd6gkx8d5p98h000000gn/T/tmpoig8qzvd-ascii.cast

  6. Copy the recording to ./gifs/... from the temporary location

    mv /var/folders/0p/vtdv4p053pd6gkx8d5p98h000000gn/T/tmpoig8qzvd-ascii.cast ./gifs/my-gif/original.cast
  7. In your Clojure editor, open the asciiscripts core namespace asciiscripts/src/core.clj

  8. Connect to REPL

  9. In the (comment ,,,) block, add a new section for your GIF, something like:

     (-> (read-cast "./gifs/my-gif/original.cast")
          (apply-ops [ ,,, ])
          (write-cast "./gifs/my-gif/improved.cast")
  10. Next, start working with the recording. What you want to do is:

  • Read the cast file (read-cast function), apply some edit operations (apply-ops function) and write the improved cast file (write-cast) to disk.
  • Play the improved cast file using asciinema play to see how it looks
  • Comment the write-cast function and instead use pp function to pretty print the content of the cast file to identify where to cut, where to add pauses and so on.
  • Cut unnecessary stuff from the beginning (:cut-start op)
  • Cut unnecessary stuff from the end (:cut-end op)
  • Split events (:split op) if you pasted a large chunk at once
  • Quantize pauses (:quantize op) to make too long pauses shorter and too short pauses longer
  • Manually add some pauses (:pause op) after each command to give the viewer time to read what happened. (And make sure you add pauses after :quantize, otherwise quantize will override them)
  • Resize (:resize op) the recording to certain width and height
  1. When you're done editing, use asciicast2git to convert .cast file to .gif file


    asciicast2gif gifs/example/improved.cast gifs/example/output.gif


Check core namespace (comment) block for more examples.

Check also gifs/example for example input and output .cast files.

(-> "input.cast"
    (apply-ops [[:cut-start {:end [1477]}]

                ;; Strip undesired output from the recorded session
                [:str-replace {:match #"^�\[90mundefined�\[39m\r\n" :replacement ""}]

                ;; Split breaks events into sub events to mimic typing
                [:split {:start [1487] :end [2062] :d 0.025M}]
                [:split {:start [2072] :end [2770] :d 0.025M}]
                [:split {:start [2778] :end [2882] :d 0.025M}]
                [:split {:start [2891] :end [2950] :d 0.025M}]

                ;; quantize makes pauses uniform random
                [:quantize {:min 0.01M :max 0.1M}]

                ;; cut removes events in given range
                [:cut {:start [2717] :end [2719]}]

                ;; merge events together
                [:merge {:start [2148] :end [2566]}]

                ;; pause adds a pause before the given event
                [:pause {:id [2072] :d 0.8M}]
                [:pause {:id [2567 0] :d 2M}]
                [:pause {:id [2778] :d 0.8M}]
                [:pause {:id [2891] :d 0.8M}]
                [:pause {:id [2959] :d 2M}]

                [:cut-end {:start [2960]}]])

    #_(pp) ;; debugging
    (write-cast "output.cast")
