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Twitter scraper selenium

Python's package to scrape Twitter's front-end easily with selenium.

PyPI license Python >=3.8 Maintenance

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Usage
  3. Privacy
  4. License


  • Internet Connection
  • Python 3.6+
  • Chrome or Firefox browser installed on your machine

  • Installation

    Installing from the source

    Download the source code or clone it with:

    git clone

    Open terminal inside the downloaded folder:

     python3 install

    Installing with PyPI

    pip3 install twitter-scraper-selenium


    Available Function In this Package - Summary

    Function Name Function Description Scraping Method Scraping Speed
    scrape_profile() Scrape's Twitter user's profile tweets Browser Automation Slow
    get_profile_details() Scrape's Twitter user details. HTTP Request Fast
    scrape_profile_with_api() Scrape's Twitter tweets by twitter profile username. It expects the username of the profile Browser Automation & HTTP Request Fast

    Note: HTTP Request Method sends the request to Twitter's API directly for scraping data, and Browser Automation visits that page, scroll while collecting the data.

    To scrape twitter profile details:

    from twitter_scraper_selenium import get_profile_details
    twitter_username = "TwitterAPI"
    filename = "twitter_api_data"
    browser = "firefox"
    headless = True
    get_profile_details(twitter_username=twitter_username, filename=filename, browser=browser, headless=headless)


    	"id": 6253282,
    	"id_str": "6253282",
    	"name": "Twitter API",
    	"screen_name": "TwitterAPI",
    	"location": "San Francisco, CA",
    	"profile_location": null,
    	"description": "The Real Twitter API. Tweets about API changes, service issues and our Developer Platform. Don't get an answer? It's on my website.",
    	"url": "https:\/\/\/8IkCzCDr19",
    	"entities": {
    		"url": {
    			"urls": [{
    				"url": "https:\/\/\/8IkCzCDr19",
    				"expanded_url": "https:\/\/",
    				"display_url": "",
    				"indices": [
    		"description": {
    			"urls": []
    	"protected": false,
    	"followers_count": 6133636,
    	"friends_count": 12,
    	"listed_count": 12936,
    	"created_at": "Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007",
    	"favourites_count": 31,
    	"utc_offset": null,
    	"time_zone": null,
    	"geo_enabled": null,
    	"verified": true,
    	"statuses_count": 3656,
    	"lang": null,
    	"contributors_enabled": null,
    	"is_translator": null,
    	"is_translation_enabled": null,
    	"profile_background_color": null,
    	"profile_background_image_url": null,
    	"profile_background_image_url_https": null,
    	"profile_background_tile": null,
    	"profile_image_url": null,
    	"profile_image_url_https": "https:\/\/\/profile_images\/942858479592554497\/BbazLO9L_normal.jpg",
    	"profile_banner_url": null,
    	"profile_link_color": null,
    	"profile_sidebar_border_color": null,
    	"profile_sidebar_fill_color": null,
    	"profile_text_color": null,
    	"profile_use_background_image": null,
    	"has_extended_profile": null,
    	"default_profile": false,
    	"default_profile_image": false,
    	"following": null,
    	"follow_request_sent": null,
    	"notifications": null,
    	"translator_type": null

    get_profile_details() arguments:

    Argument Argument Type Description
    twitter_username String Twitter Username
    output_filename String What should be the filename where output is stored?.
    output_dir String What directory output file should be saved?
    proxy String Optional parameter, if user wants to use proxy for scraping. If the proxy is authenticated proxy then the proxy format is username:password@host:port.

    Keys of the output:

    Detail of each key can be found here.

    To scrape profile's tweets:

    In JSON format:

    from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile
    microsoft = scrape_profile(twitter_username="microsoft",output_format="json",browser="firefox",tweets_count=10)


      "1430938749840629773": {
        "tweet_id": "1430938749840629773",
        "username": "Microsoft",
        "name": "Microsoft",
        "profile_picture": "",
        "replies": 29,
        "retweets": 58,
        "likes": 453,
        "is_retweet": false,
        "retweet_link": "",
        "posted_time": "2021-08-26T17:02:38+00:00",
        "content": "Easy to use and efficient for all \u2013 Windows 11 is committed to an accessible future.\n\nHere's how it empowers everyone to create, connect, and achieve more: ",
        "hashtags": [],
        "mentions": [],
        "images": [],
        "videos": [],
        "tweet_url": "",
        "link": ""

    In CSV format:

    from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile


    tweet_id username name profile_picture replies retweets likes is_retweet retweet_link posted_time content hashtags mentions images videos post_url link
    1430938749840629773 Microsoft Microsoft 64 75 521 False 2021-08-26T17:02:38+00:00 Easy to use and efficient for all – Windows 11 is committed to an accessible future.

    Here's how it empowers everyone to create, connect, and achieve more:
    [] [] [] []


    scrape_profile() arguments:

    Argument Argument Type Description
    twitter_username String Twitter username of the account
    browser String Which browser to use for scraping?, Only 2 are supported Chrome and Firefox. Default is set to Firefox
    proxy String Optional parameter, if user wants to use proxy for scraping. If the proxy is authenticated proxy then the proxy format is username:password@host:port.
    tweets_count Integer Number of posts to scrape. Default is 10.
    output_format String The output format, whether JSON or CSV. Default is JSON.
    filename String If output parameter is set to CSV, then it is necessary for filename parameter to passed. If not passed then the filename will be same as username passed.
    directory String If output_format parameter is set to CSV, then it is valid for directory parameter to be passed. If not passed then CSV file will be saved in current working directory.
    headless Boolean Whether to run crawler headlessly?. Default is True

    Keys of the output

    Key Type Description
    tweet_id String Post Identifier(integer casted inside string)
    username String Username of the profile
    name String Name of the profile
    profile_picture String Profile Picture link
    replies Integer Number of replies of tweet
    retweets Integer Number of retweets of tweet
    likes Integer Number of likes of tweet
    is_retweet boolean Is the tweet a retweet?
    retweet_link String If it is retweet, then the retweet link else it'll be empty string
    posted_time String Time when tweet was posted in ISO 8601 format
    content String content of tweet as text
    hashtags Array Hashtags presents in tweet, if they're present in tweet
    mentions Array Mentions presents in tweet, if they're present in tweet
    images Array Images links, if they're present in tweet
    videos Array Videos links, if they're present in tweet
    tweet_url String URL of the tweet
    link String If any link is present inside tweet for some external website.

    To Scrap profile's tweets with API:

    from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile_with_api
    scrape_profile_with_api('elonmusk', output_filename='musk', tweets_count= 100)

    scrape_profile_with_api() Arguments:

    Argument Argument Type Description
    username String Twitter's Profile username
    tweets_count Integer Number of tweets to scrape.
    output_filename String What should be the filename where output is stored?.
    output_dir String What directory output file should be saved?
    proxy String Optional parameter, if user wants to use proxy for scraping. If the proxy is authenticated proxy then the proxy format is username:password@host:port.
    browser String Which browser to use for extracting out graphql key. Default is firefox.
    headless String Whether to run browser in headless mode?


      "1608939190548598784": {
        "tweet_url" : "",
      }, ...

    Using scraper with proxy (http proxy)

    Just pass proxy argument to function.

    from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile
    scrape_profile("elonmusk", headless=False, proxy="", output_format="csv",filename="musk") #In IP:PORT format

    Proxy that requires authentication:

    from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile
    microsoft_data = scrape_profile(twitter_username="microsoft", browser="chrome", tweets_count=10, output="json",
                          proxy="sajid:[email protected]:5678")  #  username:password@IP:PORT


    This scraper only scrapes public data available to unauthenticated user and does not holds the capability to scrape anything private.

